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期末复习可以说是一场“长久战”,对同学们的信心、耐心都是极大的考验。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了外研版六年级上册英语期末试卷,希望大家多练习。




1.Why is the snake out of the box?

2.There is a picture book in this photo. I photo books.

3.Do you like reading books now? Yes, .

4.There are many Chinese restaurants in this city.

I like eating Chinese .

5.Do you want to visit the UN in New York?

6.Do you want to go ?

7.I don’t he can come here so early.

8.Pandas are very fat and kind. They like .

9.All the people all over the world want to bring to the world.

10.Look at the library .It says,“Don’t talk in the library.”


( )When is this Festival?

( ) New York is in the east of America.

( ) What’s your favourite sport?

( )Pleased to meet you.

( )I’ve got some stamps from China.

( )I don’t believe it.

( )Do you want to go to Guilin?

( )Tell us more about the school,please.

( )There’s Chinese dancing there.

( )There’re four stations in the picture. m



1.联合国大厦 2. ten to five

3.一天十二小时 4. the Summer Palace

5.图书馆规则 6. believe it or not

7.stand in line 8.全世界

9.端午节 10.sleep in the winter


1.There are some old (建筑) in the city.

2.Please (快点). It’s ten to six.

3.Pandas love (竹子).

4.This is my email (地址).

5.He (总是) ride his bike to school.

6.I’ve got some chopsticks, but they are (困难)

7.That (听起来) nice.

8.Do you often (清理) your room?

9.There is a big (广场) in Beijing.

10.Now you can have (另一个) Chinese stamp.


1.I like (collect) stamps.

2.I have two (knife).

3.Flying kites and reading books are my (hobby).

4.There’s Chinese (dance).

5.Lingling (say) she will come soon.

6. (please) to meet you!

7.They are from 192 (country).

8.I’m (send) an email to my family.

9.Let (we) go to the park.

10.There (be) some orange juice in the bottle.


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