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六年级英语第二学期毕业期末测试题最新由威廉希尔app 为您提供的,希望给您带来帮助!


read head sweater bread

eat mean room zoo

bag late fish big

only lot public but

sign like bird first

二、 词组互译(12%)

1.take off his costume 6.举行一场聚会

2. a VCD of Chinese cartoons 7.一份生日礼物

3. blow out the candles 8.放学后

4. the twentieth of November 9.在三月一日

5. Let‘s wait and see. 10.什么日期

11. 住在Ben的附近

12. have a cake with lots of apples

三、 选词填空(每词只能用一次)13%

a lot of make about should off quiet in shouldn’t

always a lot on away

1. Jack ________has ________ questions.

2. He is asking Ben some questions _________ the public signs.

3. Can I go_________?

4. You must stay ________from the building.

5. Keep ________ the grass.

6. There is a sign _________ the grass.

7. Please keep __________.

8. We shouldn‘t _________ noise here.

9. You __________ go out without a coat. You’ll be cold.


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