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六年级英语第二学期期末考试试题来袭,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。


1.与……一样冷 2.pick strawberries

3.去钓鱼 4.play baseball

5.参加…… 6.plant trees

7.昨天下午 8.milk cows

9.进行一次野餐 10.a photo of my family


1.An elephant is h _____ than a monkey.

2.T _____ right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.

3.What are you g _____ to do this weekend?

4.I am going to take part in the singing c_____ 。

5.Can I have some w_____ paper?

6.Tom is my p _____ , we often write letters to each other.

7.I would like to see a Beijng O 。

8.Liu Tao likes making m _____ planes.

9.The boys run f _____ than the girls.

10.Can you t _____ me the way to the post office?



1.What‘s the weather like in summer? A.No,I can’t.

2.What are you going to do tomorrow? B.They are girls.

3.Are you a student? C.I don‘t know.

4.Where’s Lucy‘s bike? D.She is my friend.

5.Are they American or English? E.It’s a map of China.

6.How old is your uncle? F.They are American.

7.Are the twins boys or girls? G.Yes,I am.

8.Who is Kate? H.It‘s under the tree.

9.What’s that on the wall? I.It‘s usually very hot.

10.Can you see the car on the hill? J.I’m going to watch TV.


1.Whose bag is bigger, _____ or _____ ?

A.your, I B.yours, my C.yours, mine

2.The cap isn‘t mine. It’s _____ , I think.

A.Mary‘s B.Mary C.Marys

3. _____ your kite high in the sky!

A.Put B.Let C.Fly

4.How many _____ can you see in the picture?

A.man B.child C.people D.woman

5.A: _____ the weather _____ in Nanjing?

B:It’s very hot in summer.

A.What‘s,like B.What,like C.What’s,is D.What‘s,/

6. _____ it often _____ in winter?

A.Do,snow B.Does,snows C.Do,snows D.Does,snow

7.A: _____ season in Beijing _____ you like best?

B:I like autumn best. It’s cool and sunny.

A.What,do B.Which,are C.Which,do D.What,are

8.A:What _____ you _____ do today. Nancy?

B:I‘m going to see a movie with my family.

A.do,going to B.are,going to C.do,to D.are,want

9.A:Where’s the shopping center? B:It‘s _____ Zhongshan Road.

A.at B.on C.in D.of

10. _____ like to join us?

A.Can you B.You would C.Do you D.Would you


1.A:Can you _____ me the way to the

_____ ?

B:Yes.Go _____ the street and turn

at the _____ crossing.

A:Thank you.

2.A: _____ season do you like _____ ?


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