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一、 听音选择  听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分。)

(   )1. A. fine         B. nine            C. my              D. mine

(   )2. A. big          B. box            C. bag              D. boy

(   )3. A. this         B. them            C. these            D. then

(   )4. A. don’t        B. aren’t           C. can’t             D. isn’t

(   )5. A. come on     B. come out         C. come here        D. come in

(   ) 6.A. turn right     B. try again        C. well done

(   ) 7. A. make noise    B. make planes     C. make kites

(   ) 8. A. sing beautifully   B. singing contest    C. sports meeting

(   ) 9.A.It’s on Oct. 1st.    B. It’s on Sep. 2nd.    C. It’s on Dec. 3rd.

(   ) 10.牛津版六年级第二学期英语期中考试题:A.How can I get there?    B. How old is this boy?    C. How far is it from here?



(    )1. A  So am I  .             B. Of course I am.     C. I am too .

(    )2. A.  No one’s home .       B. White one?          C. No, not that one .

(    )3. A I can go!                B. I can too.          C. We all can go.

(    )4. A. I’ve got a cold.          B. He’s got a goal.       C. He’s in the sports hall.

(    )5. A. Open the closet and see!  B. Open the bag and see!   C. Open the box and see!

三、听音选择  听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分)

(   )1.A.He likes winter best.         B. He likes spring best.       C. He likes summer best.

(   )2. A. They’re going to have a picnic. B. They’re going to see a play. C. They’re going to travel.

(   )3. A. He has a brush.    B. Yes, he does.    C. No, he doesn’t

(   )4. A. By train.      B. By taxi.           C. By metro.

(   )5. A. rainy.        B. snowy.            C. Sunny.



white   kangaroo  Chinese   eight   black    sweater   twenty    red   pear   panda

watermelon   math    jeans   twelve   music    orange    shorts   elephant

1.学科类:   2.数字类:

3.颜色类:   4.服装类:

5.水果类:   6.动物类:


1. shoes(单数) __________           2. bus(复数) __________

3. do (第三人称单数形式)  _______     4. me(主格) __________

5. too(同音词)   __________          6. he(物主代词) __________

7. swim(现在分词形式)  _________     8.study (过去式形式) __________

9. short(反义词) __________           10. heavy(比较级形式)__________



(   ) 1. A. pear           B. fear             C. hair

(   )2. A. sweater          B. bread            C. season

(   )3.A. day             B. baby           C. bag

(   )4.A.yellow            B. cow             C. brown

(   )5.A.coat             B. people            C. boat


(    )1. Who is the _____? He is my uncle.

A. boy     B. man      C. woman

(    )2. "Do you want _____ orange?" "No,I'd like _____pear."

A. a,an     B. an,an    C. an,a

(    )3. -----What is he doing?  -----He ________back to class.

A. running        B. running             C. is running

(    )4. Look! Some pork____ in the box. Some apples _____ in the basket.

A. is,is     B. are,is      C. is,are

(    )5. Sarah can           the clothes .

A. wash     B. washes     C.   washing

(    )6. _________don’t you play basketball with you classmates?

A. Where        B. Why               C. what

(    )7. ____ would you like _____ breakfast?

A. What,with  B. What,for  C. How,for

(    )8. It's time ____ play games.

A. on      B. for       C. to

(    )9. ----Is it really a dog? ----                    .

A Yes, it isn't.        B No, it is.       C No, it isn't.

(    )10. How many ______ can you see in our classroom.

A. book       B. books        C. bookes

(    )11. She likes         the piano.

A. play       B. playing       C. plays

(    )12. Mike        his homework yesterday evening.

A.do      B. does         C. did


1. feel, how, you, do(?)

2.Chen Jie , singing, dancing, and ,likes( . )

3.I , meals, can, cook, the( . )

4.looks, so, he, happy( . )

5.to, are, going, weekend, the, you, what, do, on(?)



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