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威廉希尔app 为大家介绍六年级上册英语期末试题,考生们应多了解一些高考信息,对大家会有很大帮助的。


Lantern Festival______ send an email_____Chinatown in Canada______

Be my pen friend______the Tian’an Men square______clean your room____-

Mexico_____restaurant____hobby____chopsticks_____You’re welcome_____

not very often_____speak English_____  all around the world______  library card______

1. 发一封电子邮件 2. 元宵节3. 成为我的笔友

4. 在加拿大的唐人街 5.不用谢 6.天安门广场 7.墨西哥

8.打扫你的房间  9.业余爱好  10. 饭馆 11.筷子 12.不是很经常

13.说英语 14. 借书卡 15.全世界


A. has got    B.have got    C.there are    D.there is

1. __________  some beautiful squares in Dalian .

2. __________   a book and a pen on her desk .

3.   They  __________  a lovely dog .

4.       She__________ some  photos .

5.       The desk__________   four legs .

read、fly、play、see、walks、skip、visit、 climbs 、are 、eating

6. He always _____ trees.

7. She likes _____ fast food.

8、Do you go to the zoo to         animals?

9、My cousin           to school.

10、Jenny likes to           with her skipping rope.

11、They always go to the playground to           basketball.

12、What colour          her eyes?

13、On Sunday, my parents and I go to the park to           a kite.

14、My friend Peter likes to           newspapers.

15、I  never¬¬¬¬______ the moon.

三、用所给动词的适当形式填空. (20分)

1. __________ ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .

2.China and Japan __________ ( be ) in the east and Mexico__________ ( be )in the south.

3. __________ you __________ ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .

4 We ______ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

5.They__________( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .

6.Girls like_______   ( dance ) and_______    ( play ) football is boys’ hobby .

7.Let’s  _______ ( go ) to Chinatown now .

8. _______(not) ride your bicycle here!

9. I want to_____ (show) Daming the present from China.

10. Pandas_____( eat) for twelve_____( hour) a day.

11. Daming_____( have) got a _____(China)  kite and we fly it in the park.

12. ______(Please) to meet you!

13. I can____( dancing) and I can play football  and I can play_____ ______ (violin).

四、 单项选择(20分)

(    )1、        a fantastic present!

A、How        B、Where        C、What         D、That

(    )2、I  want         go to the park.

A、do          B、in            C、with          D、to

(    )3、Not really, I          a long time ago.

A、stop         B、stops         C、stoped         D、stopped

(    )4、Do you often           to school?

A、speaking     B、walking       C、walk          D、reading

(    )5、         you want to go inside?

A、Does        B、Did           C、Are           D、Do

(    )6、Lily sometimes          the blackboard.

A、talks        B、walk          C、cleans         D、reads

(    )7、——Do pandas love bamboo         meat?

——Of course bamboo.

A、and          B、or

(    )8、——          are you happy?

——          Christmas is coming.

A、Why, Because               B、What ,For

(    )9、Do you want to read          books?

A、some                       B、any

(    )10、What do you do           Spring Festival?

A、on                         B、at


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