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【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了小学英语六年级上册期末测试题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!

一、 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(5分)

( )1、A. name B. bag C. at D. and

( )2、A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me

( )3、A. live B. his C. five D. fish

( )4、A. on B. no C. shop D. not

( )5、A. use B. much C. but D. lunch


( )1.How do you go to school?

A. I go to school on foot.

B. The school is next to the hospital.

C.I am going to the cinema.

( )2.What is your hobby?

A.I like making kites. B.She goes to work by bus. C.Next to the hospital.

( )3. Does she watch TV at night?

A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she goes to school on foot. C. No, I go to the park at night.

( )4.Turn left at the cinema, then __________. It’s on the left.

A.our school B.go straight C.green light

( )5. at the red light.

A. Stop B. Go C. Wait

( )6.Excuse me. Where is the cinema? ______________.

A..I am a cleaner. B. Next to the bookstore . C.I am going outside.

( )7.Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do?

A.She is a policewoman . B.She is a teacher. C.She goes to work by car.

( ) 8. When does she go to school?

A.She works in Beijing. B. She goes to school at 7:30. C. Yes, she does.

( )9.What are you going to do this afternoon?

A Yes, he does. B. I am going to play football. C. He likes collecting stamps.

( ) 10.Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?

A. I like diving. B. He is tall and strong. C. Yes, he does.

( )11. I'm going to buy an English book .

A. magazine B. this afternoon C. at

( )12. Where are you going this afternoon? __________________.

A.Next to the shoe store. B. I’m going to the bookstore. C.He is going to visit grandparents.

( )13.Where does he work?

A.His hobby is painting. B.He works in a car company. C.He is a singer.

( ) 14. His mother is _____ actress and his father is ______ good engineer.

A. an, an B. an, a C. a, an

( ) 15. -________ are you going tomorrow? -I’m going to school.

A. When B. What C. Where

( ) 16. He likes ________. He can ________ very well.

A. painting, painting B. painting, paint C. paint, painting


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