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一、 听读音,选择正确选项,把字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

( )1. A.                                B.                            C.

(   ) 2.  A. shop       B. stop         C. store

(   ) 3.  A. math book   B. comic book   C.  story book

(   )4.  A. go to work  B. go to school   C.go to the cinema

(   )5. A. I am going to buy a comic book this morning.

B. I am going to buy a dictionary this afternoon.

C. I am going to buy a map this evening.

二、 听读音,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。(10分)

( ) 1.                      (   ) 2.                  (   ) 3.

(   ) 4. The cinema is east of the library.

(   ) 5. I am going to climb mountains on Sunday morning.

三、 听读音,选出最相适应的答句,将其编号写在前面的括号里。

(   ) 1. A. Yes, I am.   B. Yes, I can.  C. Yes, I do.

(   ) 2. A. It‘s near the museum. B. It’s next to the supermarket.

C. I usually go to the supermarket by the No.16 bus.

(   ) 3. A .By bus .  B. By plane.  C. By train.

(   ) 4. A. I‘m going to buy some magazines.

B. I’m going on foot .   C. I‘m going at 7 o’clock tonight

(   ) 5. A. It‘s Sunday.  B. It’s Tuesday.  C. It‘s Thursday.


1. My mother goes to work go            .

2. Remember the                 , please.

3. How can I get to your home ?

You can go       for five minutes. Then      right .

4. Do you have any new              ?

5. I am going to the         next         .

五、听一段对话, 判列句子的对错。(10分)

(   ) 1. Sarah is going to visit her grandparents this afternoon.

(   ) 2. Sarah is going by bus.

(   ) 3. Sarah’s grandparents live near the science museum.

(   ) 4. Amy is going to the science museum this afternoon.

(   ) 5. Sarah and Amy are going after class.



A. No, I am not.   B. No, I can‘t . C. When are you going ?

D. What are you going to do ?  E. What do you do?

F. How can you get to the theme park?

G. How are you going to get to the theme park?

A: Hi, John!         on the weekend?

B: I often read books .

A: Are you going to read books this weekend ?

B:       .

A:          this weekend?

B: I’m going to the theme park with my parents.

A:       ?

B: We are going there by car.

A:       ?

B: At 9:00 on Saturday morning .


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