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一 重要语法点:

1. 情态动词can may must shall should

CAN 表示能力



May 表示请求或许可




Must 表示主观看法意为“必须绝对”

否定形式must not=mustn’t 意为“禁止不许”



Shall 表示征求对方意见意为“好不好,可以”

Should 表示劝告义务, 意为“应该”

2. 频度副词/时间副词

1. --- _________ does Tina go to see her grandparents?

--- Once a week.

A. When    B. How many     C. How often     D. Why

2. He is a good student, but _________ he makes mistakes.

A. always     B. usually       C. sometimes    D. often

3. 一般现在时

(   )1. ___________you often go to school by bus?

A. Are          B. is             C. Do            D. Does

(   )2. --- Are you sure?  --- _________.

A. Yes, I do.        B. Yes, I am.       C. No, I don't.     D. That's right.

(   ) 3. – _______Mr Li ______ Rose Garden School?

- Yes, he is.

A. Is……visiting   B. Does……visit

C. Do……visit   D. Does……visits

(   )4. Beijing is our capital. Have you ________ yet?

A. been to there     B. been there      C. go to there    D. go there

(   )5. What do you usually do ________ Sundays?

A. about      B. at     C. in    D. on

(   )6. Some boys always _______ computer games very late at night.

A. play      B. plays     C. to play      D. playing

(   )7. Simon sometimes _______ his little brother English.

A. teach      B. teaches     C. taught   D. has taught

(   )8. John is a good student. He _______ tells a lie.

A. always      B. often      C. never     D. usually

(   )9. This boy is not honest. He _________ lies.

A. never says to       B. always tell   C. sometimes tells   D. usually talk about

(   )10. She is an honest girl and never _________ lies.

A. speaks     B. says         C. talks about    D. tells

4. 一般过去时

1. He put up his coat, _________ he?

A. doesn't         B. didn't             C. did      D. does

2. Which place __________ you __________ (visit) yesterday?

3. The firemen _______ a big fire in our housing estate last Monday.

A. put out       B. puts out     C. puts off    D. put down

4. The firemen _________ a big fire last week.

A. put out    B. put down     C. put on      D. put up

5. 一般将来时

1. There __________ a new film on TV tonight.

A. is going to have                      B. will have

C. is going to be                         D. has

2. There _______ a class meeting next week.

A. is         B. will be  C. be      D. will

3. Where ______ they ______ their holidays next year?

A. do…spend    B. will…spend    C. are…spending  D. have…spent

4. I _________ a picnic with my friends in the park next week.

A. have    B. had          C. will have     D. am

6. 现在完成时

1. Where have you been______ Beijing?

A. in             B. to  C. /          D. on

2. I have _________ been to Hong Kong. I will go there next week.

A. just           B. yet   C. already    D. never

3. _________ you ever _________ America yet?

A. Have... been to     B. Have...gone to     C. Have... been in   D. Have...gone in

4. -- Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?

-- Because I _________ it.

A. saw    B. will see     C. see   D. have seen

5. My family and I _______  Hangzhou twice.

A. go B. have go C. have gone to D. have going

6. 时态综合练习.  Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.

1. A: How much __________ (be) two bottles 0forangejuice?

B: Twenty yuan.


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