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亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 小学频道为你整理了六年级上学期英语第六册期中考试题(苏教版),一起来学习吧!




(   )1.A.I am going to buy a comic book.

B.He is going to buy a comic book.

C.I am going to the bookstore.

(   )2.A.You can go buy the No.3 bus.

B.I can go buy the No.3 bus.

C.You can see it on the left.

(   )3.A.No,he isn’t.    B.Yes,she is.     C.Yes,I am.

(   )4.A.Sorry,I don’t know.    B.I can get there on foot.

C.I am a student.

(   )5.A.Yes,it is.    B.It is a book.      C.It is on your desk.

(   )6.A.Yes,I can.    B. No,you can’t.    C.Yes,she can.

(   )7.A.It’s near the library.    B.No,it’s not far.

C.You can go there on foot.

(   )8.A.I am singing.        B.I can cook the meals.    C.She is dancing.

(   )9.A.I go there by bus.   B.You can go on foot.      C.No,you can’t.

(   )10.A.She is a teacher.   B.He is a doctor.          C. I am a driver.


1.________ are you going?

2.________do you go there?    I go there by ________.

3.There’s no ________ near the ________.

4.-________ are you going?    I am going to the ________.

5.I am going to ________ a ________ ________.


(   )1.The book store is in front of the library.

(   )2.My parents go to work by car.

(   )3.The school is north of the fruit stand.

(   )4.I go to school by bus.

(   )5.My grandparents often goes to the fruit stand by bike together.



(   ) 1. / i: /   A. tree   B. beat   C. tea     D. Red

(   ) 2. / I /   A. pig    B. bike   C. dish    D. pink

(   ) 3. / e /   A. get    B. me    C. bed    D. seven

(   ) 4. / ei /  A. plane   B. cat    C. fan    D. apple

(   ) 5. /ɑ: /   A.fat     B. car    C.card    D.far


(   )1、——Where is the cinema?  ——It’s next ________ the hospital.

A  on    B to     C in

(    ) 2、Turn right ________ the bookstore.

A  on      B at     C to

(    ) 3、——Where is the post office?

——It’s west ________ the science museum.

A  of      B at     C to

(     ) 4、What are you going to do on the weekend?            .

A  I’m going by train.     B It’s next to the shoe store.

C  I’m going to read a magazine.

(     ) 5、________ are you going?  This evening.

A Where     B When     C What

(     ) 6、It’s not far _______here.  A to    B at     C from

(    )7.Walk straight _____ three minutes.

A  at    B and        C for

(    )8. _____ Sunday, I’m going to the zoo ____ subway.

A. On, on    B. On,  by        C. In, at

(    )9. Her father is _______ TV now.

A  watching      B going to watch    C go to watch

(    )10._____can I get to pet school?

A.   How    B. what     C.Where


(    )1. What are you going to do ?

(    )2. When are you going ?

(    )3. Where are you going ?

(    )4. How do you go to the zoo ?

(    )5. Are you going to the library ?

A、By train.

B、I’m going to take a trip.

C、Yes ,we are.

D、I’m going at 3 0’clock.

E、I’m going to Beijing.


1、are  Where   this  you  going  afternoon ?


2、next   It’s   the  to  hospital .


3、are  to   We   watch   going  TV .


4、How   you  do  there   go ?


5、at  light  Stop  red  a .



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