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I 听力部分(共30分)

A 听录音,找出你所听到的内容(听两遍)(10分)

1. A. back B. bank C. black

2. A. panda B. plane C. pencil

3. A. want B. water C. wait

4. A. ticket B. jacket C. T - shirt

5. A. orange B. fridge C. village

6. A. please B. pleasure C. picture

7. A. eighty-five apples B. eighty-five people

C. eight pineapples

8. A. look at the dress B. look at this dress

C. look at his dress

9. A. I can see a stamp on the map.

B. I can put the grape on my foot.

C. I can put the cup on my head.

10. A. Would you see it for me, please?

B. Would you speak to me, please?

C. Would you show it to me, please?

B 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答(听两遍)(5分)

1. A. He's twenty-nine. B. He's a policeman.

C. He's from Japan.

2. A. Theirs, I think. B. Here you are.

C. I have some.

3. A. It's Tom's. B. They're red and blue.

C. Beside the sofa.

4. A. No, thanks. B. It's my pleasure.

C. That's all right.

5. A. Me too. B. Sure. C. Not bad.

C 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案(听两遍)(5分)

1.A. It's green. B. It's purple. C. It's dark.

2.A. Class 2, Grade 4. B. Class 5, Grade 2.

C. Class 2, Grade5.

3.A. She's Nancy's sister. B. The girl in the car.

C. The girl in a blue dress.

4.A. He's in Wang Ying's home. B. He's in the cinema.

C. He's in the playground.

5.A. It's 3312869. B. It's 3312896. C. It's 3312986.

D 根据你所听到的短文,填入所缺的单词(听三遍)(10分)

The boy ______ the tree is my friend. His name in Tom. Alice is his _______ .They are_______ England. They _______ speak Chinese, _____ I can help them. They live in a white house near the river. _______ are some trees and _______ beside it. It's very nice. At home, they _______ a computer. They can play _______ on it. _______ E-mail address is home@163.com



Dd ______________________________________________ Uu

把下面的句子,正确规范地写在四线格内 (4分)

are you in class three grade five yes i am


二、找出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词 (6分)

1. eraser A. bad B. age C. panda

2. next A. tree B. cinema C. umbrella

3. like A. white B. lovely C. ticket

4. soon A. foot B. room C. bedroom

5. office A. present B. blouse C. house

6. mouth A. brother B. three C. clot

三、选择正确答案 (20分)

1. --- Where is Mrs King? --- She is _____ the bus stop.

A. in B. on C. up D. at

2. ---How much ____ the jackets?

A is B are C an D am

--- Let me _____. Seventy-four yuan.

A. are; see B. is; see C. are; have a look D. is; have a look

3. ---It's cold(冷)now. _____ I _____ my coat?

--- Yes, please.

A.Am; put on B. Shall; put on

C. Am; take off D. Shall; take off

4. ---These footballs are Jack's. Give ____ to _____.

--- All right.

A. them; his B. they; his C. them, him D. their; him


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