
英语Unit 5 Can I help you?


(教师可以先用I can…说说自己能做什么,然后再请学生说)

B、学生用What can you do? I can…接龙问答。


组织学生分组将这些词排列成两句话:What can you do? I can run.

4. Learn to say:


打开资源中心的相关课件《Lesson 29 教学演示.ppt》Learn to say部分,学生观看。


I can see in the dark.

And I can catch a mouse.

Can you say mew, mew?



5. Let’s practise:

学生观看课件《The cat and owl.swf》。


A: Hello!I am a… Who are you?

B:I’m a… I can… What can you do?

A:I can…


教师将句型卡I can fly. I can run. I can catch a mouse. I can jump. I can swim. I can sing. I can dance. I can smoke. I can walk. 发给各小组一套,组织学生以小组为单位将句子根据意思贴到相应的动物附近。(培养学生合作意识)


6. 趣味操练:


1)A cat can fly.

2) A fish can swim.

An owl can swim.

A turtle can run.

A dog can fly.

A monkey can jump.

A rabbit can catch a mouse.

A goose can speak English.

A dog can say woof.

A bird can fly.

7. 板书设计:

Lesson 29

What can you do?

cat(图) owl(图)

I can see in the dark. I can see in the dark..

I can catch a mouse. I can fly.

I can run.

Lesson 30

【课题】Lesson 30

【重点】复习关于can的句型“Can you speak English? etc.”

词汇 spell, dance, can’t, go shopping, on the left/right, speak English/Chinese, look like

【难点】理解 What a funny man!

How funny!

发音 u的发音和s, y的发音




师生问好Good morning.

播放课件《Let’s chant can》, 教师用体态语示意全班学生跟唱。教师问 Can you sing? / Can you say? 引导学生根据自己的情况进行回答,Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 教师根据学生情况决定是否重放。


1. 老师放课文对话的录像片,学生认真听对话。播完后,教师问What can you see? 让学生说出这个对话的主要内容有哪些,并在学生说的基础上,学习What a funny man!

2.学生再听录音或看影片,教师引导学生来说一说这个小丑是什么样子的。What is the funny man like? 学生进一步体会一些句子,如:His face is round. His ears are so big. His nose is blue. His mouth is read and big. He has some flowers in his right hand. etc. 3. 再播放录音或课件,请学生跟读录音。