
Lesson 6 My room is very nice教案(一)



学习某处有某物的表达方法,并能够正确使用方位借此及词组来阐明某物的位置。 There is …

在复习以前所学的介词的基础上,学习新介词‘beside’. 并能够用’beside’进行造句。

会说会用会写会拼关于居家摆设的单词,pillow, vase,window, bookshelf.


1)掌握There be 句型的含义及其正确使用。






1.热身(Warming up)


T:Good morning, class.

Ss: Good orning ,teacher.

T: Do you want to play a memory game?

Ss: Yes. I'd like to. What’s that game?

T: It’s a guessing game. ( 教师出示本课的课文挂图,)You can just look at the picture for one minute. Then you should tell me what I have in my room, understand?

Ss: OK.

S1: There is a small bed in the room.

S2: There is a desk in the room.

S3: There is a clock in he room.

S4: There are two books in the room.

T: Wow! Great. You are really very clever students.

2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)


T:Let’s look at Tom’s beautiful room.

What can you see in Tom’s bed?

Ss: I can see a light purple quilt , a dark purple cover and a green pillow.

T: Pillow?[

Ss: Yes, it means 枕头。( 出示图片)在床上我们一般有三件东西, quilt,(被子) cover, (床单)pillow(枕头)

教师出示图片pillow ,尤其是‘ow’的发音。

T:I see. What can you see on the desk?

Ss: I can see a clock, a vase and two books.

T: Yes, a vase means 花瓶。

教师出示花瓶的图片,强调字母a 的发音,|a:|.

T:What’re these next to the bed?

Ss: They are a bookshelf and a window.


T: Look at the cat. What's it doing?

Ss: It’s sleeping. sleep 睡觉

教师出示图片,强调字母ee 的发音,|i:|.

2) 教师讲解There be 句型。

There is a pillow and a quilt on it.

There is a clock on the desk.

T:There are so many things in the room. 如果我们想要描述房间的陈设,我们一般要用there be 句型。

Ss: Yes. There be 句型是指某物在某地的意思。 如果临近be的名词是单数,就要用there is…如果临近be的名词是复数,就要用there are…

T: 我们可以说 There is a pillow and a quilt on the bed.我们还可以说There are two books,a clock and a vase on the bookshelf.

3. 小结:

本课我们重点学习了屋里的陈设和家具名称,a pillow, a quilt, a window, a bookshelf, a vase. 还学习了用There be 句型和介词短语来描述屋里的陈设位置。

4. 巩固活动: