unit1教学计划格式:Who is younger?



切实可行的教学工作计划,是新课堂教学设计必须要做好的工作。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了unit1教学计划格式希望能对大家有所帮助。

unit1教学计划格式:Who is younger?


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组twin, minute, child, cute, also, chat, look the same, one day.

2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Who’s taller? I’m as tall as you. Su Yang’s ( twenty minutes ) younger than Su Hai.

3. 能听懂、会说主要句型 … is taller/younger than …

重点难点:1. 初步了解形容词比较级的构成及用法。

2. 掌握课文内容并加以运用。


一、 重难点突破

1. T: (PPT 1) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you, did you have a good holiday? I hope so. Now let’s start our English lesson, OK?

T: First, let’s play a quick response game. 首先我们一起来做一个快速反应游戏。(PPT 2) Read the words I show you and try to classify them. 请你们快速把看到的单词整理归类,看看谁的动作最快。

3.T: Very good job! Now let me show you the right answer. (PPT 3) We can describe … with these words. … Are you right? 怎么样,你的归类结果和答案一样吗?

4. T: Now let’s try to use these words. Look at this ruler. (PPT 4-6) Is this ruler long? Yes, it is long. And ---- (在旁边再显示一把尺子) this ruler is long, too. Which is longer? Yes. This one is longer. (显示longer)


5. T: OK. 在刚才的学习中,我们遇到了long,fat和young这几个形容词的比较级形式,我们一起再来读一读。(PPT 7)

6.T: 现在我们知道了……( PPT 8讲解)

7.T: 在初步了解形容词比较级的知识之后,老师来考考你们。


This is…, what about this one? Yes, it’s …er.


This boy is…, what about this boy? Yes, he’s …er

8. T: Good. Now let’s play a game. Let me show you how to play. 请看老师和同学的游戏示范。

(学生和老师示范游戏 I’m… I’m …er.)

T: It’s your turn now. 下面也请你来玩一玩这个游戏吧。

二、 课文学习

1.T: Now boys and girls, let’s meet these two girls. (PPT 9)Who are they?

Yes, they are Su Hai and Su Yang. And they are twin sisters. (教twin, twin sisters) Twin sisters means they look the same (教look the same), but, who is taller? Who is younger? Do you know? Well, Ben’s cousin, Jack, also wants to know. (PPT 10 )Who did Jack ask? Let’s listen.


2. T: OK, now we know Jack asked Su Hai. So now can you read the short passage and fill in the blanks? (PPT11) 请你来读一读课文前言,完成表格填空。(教go for a walk )

(PPT 12反馈填空结果)

When Where Who What happened

Sunday morning In the park,


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