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时间它不经任何人同意就这样偷偷地溜走。短暂的暑假就这样结束了,迎接同学们的是新学期的学习生活。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供了小学秋季开学第一课英语教学设计,希望对大家有所帮助。



Step 1 Enjoy Life

At the beginning of our class, I wish you a Happy New Year and success in your study.

All of you look great. So you must have had a good time during the Spring Festival. Could you share your happiness with us?

Now sit in groups of four and tell the other 3 deskmates what made you smile. You can speak in turn. But you must speak in English. If you have troubles, just raise your hands.

压岁钱:money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

放烟火:light fireworks

Who want to speak out your happiness, sharing it with all of us?

You are so lovely and life is so beautiful. So first I hope you can enjoy life, even though you’ll face difficulties.


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