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小学五年级英语What is it doing?教案



教案可以帮助教师理清教学思路,提高课堂效率。威廉希尔app 为老师们提供了五年级英语What is it doing教案,希望能帮助到老师的教学工作!


Sarah: Look at the monkey.

Chen: What is it doing?

Sarah: It’s eating bananas. It’s hungry.

Chen: That baby kangaroo is so cute. It’s sleeping.

Sarah: What about the mother kangaroo? What is she doing?

Chen: She’s jumping.

Sarah: Do you see any elephants? I love elephants.

Chen: Yes. Look there! That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.

   ■ 学生情况说明:本教学设计适合五年级学生。五年级的学生已有一定的英语基础。在本课时之前学生已经学习了一些现在进行时的动词如:flying, sleeping, running, drinking water等以及句型:“What is she/he/it doing?与What is the monkey/elephant doing?” 针对学生求知欲强、乐于表现的特点,教师将利用故事的形式,引导他们大胆运用英语完成本课时所设定的教学目标。


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