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一份好的教案能让老师明确教学目标,更大程度的调动学生上课的积极性。威廉希尔app 为老师们提供了五年级英语Unit1教案,希望能对老师的教学工作有所帮助!

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aims

Learning the new words and sentences just like cold drink/ bun/ feel hungry/ I’d like a cold drink./ would you like some buns?/ I feel hungry and so on.

2. Ability aims

Improve the students oral English and let students know something about like or dislike something, know some words of things and drink and so on.

Let the students can make communication with each other.

3. Moral aims

We must attend the class seriously.

Teaching methods:

Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing. Play Games. Making actions.

   Teaching aids: Computer/TV/a tape recorder / brush


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