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人教版PEP五年级上册教案:Mike’s summer camp.




一、Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 复习第四单元到第六单元的重点单词和句子.

2. 完成66到69页的练习题.

3. 掌握字母ing,nk,wh的发音。

二、Important &difficult points(重难点)

1.Sentence partner: What is he / she doing?

Whose book is this ?

What are they / you doing?



Step1 : 预习温故

1. T: When is your birthday ? S: It’s on April 4th.

T: Whose pen is that ? S: It’s mine.

T: What are they / you doing? S: They are listening to music.

2. Review Unit4 to Unit6 words and sentences.

Step 2. 新课内容展示

1. Listen to the tape and finish page 66’s exercises.

2. Students read to P67’s dialogue and finish exercises.

3. Listen to the tape of page 68 .

4. Read the story and finish the exercises.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建

1、Read the page 67 and 68.

2、Repeat the page 68’s story .(看谁复述的最好)

Step 4. 达标检测


( ) 1. A. That book is his. B. This book is hers. C. Whose book is this ?

( ) 2. A. What is Sarah doing? B. What are Sarah and John doing?

C. What do you usually do ?

( ) 3. A. My birthday is on June 6th. B. I often go to bed at 7 o’clock.

C. He usually go to bed at 6 o’clock.


1. season A. 保持 6. go swimming F. 堆雪人

2. theirs B.睡觉 7. make a snowman G.小声说话

3. sleeping C.第三 8. talk quietly H. 看书

4. third D.他们的 9. read a book I. 按顺序

5. keep E. 季节 10. take turns J. 去游泳


( ) 1. What is he doing ? A. 靠右.

( ) 2. When is your birthday? B. 他在做什么?.

( ) 3. Because I can fly kites. C. 那是我的。

( ) 4. That is mine. D. 你的生日是什么时候?.

( ) 5. Keep to the right. E. 因为我能放风筝。


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