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北京版五年级英语教案《The first day at school》



英语是一门基础学科。怎样才能提高同学们的学习成绩,让他们对英语学习产生兴趣呢?威廉希尔app 编辑了北京版五年级英语教案《The first day at school》,欢迎阅读!

第一部分 简要提示



三、课题:The first day at school


五、教学内容:单元Part A


1. 掌握单词、词组:term, first, day, back, all, room, building, each other, at school, a lot of, reading room, table tennis room

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 It is the first day of… They are happy to see each other. Glad to see you. I'm not sure.

七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:Is there a …? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Are there any…? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. How many … are there? There are …

第二部分 教学过程


1. T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Today we will learn Par A of Unit 1 The first day at school, Fun with English, Grade 5.同学好,今天我们学习牛津小学英语5A第一单元The first day at school的A部分。

Welcome back to school. This is the first lesson of the new term. 今天是新学期的第一节课。

We will learn something about the school.

First of all, could you please tell me what is in your school? 我很想知道在你们学校里有些什么呢?Maybe there’s a playground, there are many teachers. Can you say something like this? 你能像这样说一说吗?( PPT3)

There’s a … There are … (学生自由回答时间)

2. T: I think there are a lot of things in your school. 我想,你们学校里一定有很多东西。Now, try to guess what is in my school. 现在请你们猜猜看我的学校里有什么呢?You may ask with the sentences: Is there a …? Are there any …? 可以用这两句来提问:  Please read after me。(PPT 3)

T: Look, this is my school. There’s a playground. There’s a new building. There are many trees. (鼠标一定要指到相应的图片上)你们猜对了吗?(PPT4)

And there are many students. There are 49 students in my class. ( PPT4, 再次点击鼠标)

3. T: How many students are there in your class? 在你们的班级里有多少个学生呢?(PPT5)

Read after me, please.

T: How many boys are there? How many girls are there? ( PPT6) 你们能通过同桌互相问答来完成这张统计表格吗?

(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文对话生词比较多,there be句型难以理解又易混淆。教师通过让学生说一说自己学校里的设施,对there be的陈述句有所熟悉之后,安排一个猜的游戏,不但让学生能更好地投入到课堂中,还帮助学生理解新的知识。在同桌完成表格的过程中,学生对How many …?的句式有了初步的认识。)


1. (此处,老师直接引出课文旁白。)

T: Boys and girls, let’s look at this picture. 同学们,看这张图片。(PPT7)It is the first day of the new term. 今天是新学期的第一天。

T: Here are two new words. Read after me. 这里有两个新单词,跟我读: first, firstthe first day;

Term, term the new term the first day of the new term.

T: (PPT7继续点击鼠标)All the students are back at school. 所有的学生都回到了学校。 Read after me: all ,all all the students :back, back  back at school.

T: (PPT8 They are happy to see each other again. 他们很高兴又互相见面了。Read after me, please. each other, each other see each other. T: There are three sentences. Can you read them? 这里有三句话,你们会读吗?(PPT9)

Follow me, please. 请跟我读一下。

2. T: Good. They're happy to see each other. They're Wang Bing, Helen and Mike.

See, what’s in their school? 看,他们的学校里有什么呀?(PPT.10)

T: Yes, there’s a building. There's a new building?有一幢新大楼。

T: There are a lot of rooms in it.

3. T:What are they? ( PPT11)

This is a reading room. Read after me.

This is a table tennis room. Read after me.

4. T: Are there any other rooms in the building? 大楼里还有其他的房间吗?Let's watch the movie and answer the questions. 让我们看完影片后回答几个问题。(PPT12 )

1.How many classrooms are there?

2.How many reading rooms are there?

3.Are there any computer rooms?

T: Now, let's watch it. (PPT13 播放Flash)

T: (PPT14 )

So, how many classrooms are there in the building? There are 24.

How many reading rooms are there in the building? There are 2.

Are there any computer rooms in the building? Yes, there are.

T: Are you right? 你们都答对了吗?

5. T: Now, boys and girls, please open your books. Let's read the text.同学们,请把书打开,我们一起来读下课文。(PPT 1516) T: 下面请同学们自己读一读,然后小组内分角色朗读,读的过程中尽量记住课文主要内容。



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