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沪教版四年级英语上册Unit1 Period3教案格式



编写教案要依据教学大纲和教科书。从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。下面是为大家精编的四年级英语上册Unit1 Period3教案格式,供大家参考。

Aims 1. To use modelled sentences to introduce a person’s age and student number. Eg. Her student number is sixteen.

2. To use formulaic expressions to introduce others. Eg. This is your…

3. To use formulaic expressions to greet new people and respond to greetings.

4. To use modelled sentences to introduce a person’s age. Eg. She’s ten years old.

5. To use the modelled sentences to introduce one’s name and age.

Eg. My name is … I’m… Language focus To use modelled sentences to introduce a person’s age and student number. Eg. Her student number is sixteen. Teaching aids Pictures, word cards, media etc Procedures Steps Teachers’ activity Students’ activities Purpose

Pre-task preparation 1. Sing a song.

2. Play the counting game.

Show some items on the PPt

Let the Ss count and answer.

T: How many…?

3. Review the dialogue of Page 2.

1. Sing together.

2. Count the items and answer:

Ss: There are…

3. Make a new dialogue and act out it. 跟本课学习内容相关的歌曲把学生快速带入英语学习氛围中。


While-task procedure 1. Teach: Listen and enjoy

1) T: Two children meet in the park. Let’s enjoy the flash.

2) T: What’s the boy’s/ girl’s name?

3) Play the flash again.

4) Ask Ss say and act in pairs.

5) Ask Ss to make a new rhyme in pairs.

Eg. Hello, Hello,

My name is ... … …

What about you?/ Nice to meet you, …


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