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四年级上学期英语Unit1 Period2教案模板(沪教版)



编写教案的繁简,一般是有经验的教师写得简略些,而新教师写得详细些,这样有助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量。下面是为大家精编的四年级上学期英语Unit1 Period2教案模板,供大家参考。

Content M1U1 Look and say (P2)& Ask and answer (Period 2)

Aims 1. To use modelled sentences to introduce a person’s name. Eg. His/ Her name is…

2. To use the modelled sentences to introduce a person’s age. Eg. She’s twelve.

3. To use formulaic expressions to introduce a person to others or take leave. e.g. This is my sister. See you.

Language focus To use modelled sentences to introduce a person’s name. Eg. His/ Her name is… Teaching aids Pictures, word cards, cassette player, media etc Procedures Step Teachers’ activity Students’ activity Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Sing a song

2. Review the numbers.

1) Quick response.

T show the numbers.

2) Ask and answer.

Eg. How much is six plus nine? How old are you? How old is your mother? What is your telephone number? How much is your bag? What is your student number?... 1. Sing the song together.

2. Review the numbers.

1) Say the numbers quickly.

2) Answer the questions.

Ask and answer in pairs.

通过教师的引导,带领学生复习数字,并且通过师生、生生问答的形式,打开学生的思维,,把数字与现实生活紧密联系起来,提高学生使用英语表达的能力,同时也为下面新授做铺垫。 While-task procedure 1. To teach: classmate

1) Invite a new student to stand up. Ask the students: Is she your sister/ friend/ classmate?

To elicit: classmate

2) Show the word card and ask S to read the word several times. classmate

3) T: Who is this? This is my classmate.

4) T: The student sits beside you is your deskmate.

2. To teach: Her/ His name is…

1) Invite one student to stand up. Ask: What’s your name?

Ask other students: What’s his/ her name?

Write the Key words on the blackboard.

2) Show the masks of the book.

Ask: What’s his/ her name?

3) Prompt the Ss to introduce a classmate/friend/ deskmate.

3. Teach: Look and say

1) Ask Ss to enjoy the flash and answer the questions.

Who is Peter’s classmate?

How old is Sally?

How old is Paul?

2) Show Picture 2

T: Who is this? What’s her name? How old is she?

Let the Ss act as Peter.

3) Listen and follow. 1. To learn: classmate

1) Listen and answer.

2)P: classmate

Read one by one.

3) Ask and answer.

4) Read: deskmate


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