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小学沪教版四年级英语上学期Unit1 Period1教案设计



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Aims 1. To use the key words in the context. e.g. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.

2. To use numbers to express one’s age, student number, etc.

3. To use numbers to guess the prize of things. Language focus 1. To use the words and phrases.

Teaching aids PPT, etc Procedures Step Teachers’ activity Students’ activity Purpose

Pre-task preparation 1. Warming up.

2. Sing a song:

3. Ask questions:

What can you see?

How many Indian boys in the song?

Can you count to ten?

4. Play a counting game and review the numbers . 1. Warming up.

2. Sing a song.

3. Answer questions:

I can see…

There are ten Indian boys.

Yes, I can

4. Count the rectangles and try to spell the words of numbers. 有趣的歌曲将学生带入轻松的英语学习氛围。


While-task procedure 1. Introduce: eleven

1) Add a rectangle and ask:

How many rectangles now?

2) Have the Ss fill in the blanks: _l_v_n.

3) Ask and answer:

A: How many rectangles?

B: There are eleven.

2. Introduce: twelve

1) Show a picture of a clock and ask: What number can you see?

2) To elicit: twelve

3) Try to say: It’s twelve o’clock.

3. Introduce: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

(1) Show the number 13 and have the Ss listen and fill in the blanks: th_ _ teen

(2) Show ‘7@_@7=’and have the student answer.

Teach: fourteen.

(3) a. Show three hands and have the Ss count the fingers.

T: How many fingers?

b. Have the Ss listen and choose: A. fifteen B. fiveteen

(4) a.Show the numbers and have the Ss fill in the blamks:

16 _ _ _teen

17 _ _ _ _ _teen

18_ _ _ _teen

19 _ _ _ _teen

b. Do quick response

4. Introduce: twenty, twenty-one

(1) a. Show the note of twenty and ask: What number is it?

b. Teach: twenty

(2) T: Twenty and one is twenty-one.


(3) Show the numbers and have the Ss say in English.



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