教案是针对社会需求、学科特点及教育对象具有明确目的性、适应性、实用性的教学研究成果的重要形式。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了Unit2教案格式希望能对大家有所帮助。
My school
Tasks and clusters of tasks
My school
l Learners identify and learn names of the parts of their school.
l Learners transfer information to a plan of school in terms of the different functions of each part.
l Learners play Simon says using simple classroom-related instructions.
l Learners make game cards and play a matching game.
Language learning objectives
l Asking about and identifying different places.
l Giving simple instructions.
l Countable nouns (names of places in a school): the playground, the classroom, the office, the library, the hall, and the toilets.
l Demonstrative: this
l Wh-question: What’s this?
l Definite article: the
l Pronoun: It (It’s … )
l Numbers 1-10
l Countable nouns (plural)
l Imperatives: Stand up. Sit down. Hands up/down. Clap/Wave your hand(s). Open/Close your books. (passive)
Formulaic expressions
l Here you are.
l Thank you.
l Good!
l Opening an interaction by eliciting a response.
l Maintain an interaction by providing information.
l Maintain an interaction by using formulaic phrases to acknowledge/agree.
l Identifying key words by recognizing stress.
l Student’s Book 3A P25-27
l Word and Picture Cards 3A
l Cassette 3A
l Photocopiable pages 17-18
l Wallpictures 3A
l Grammar Practice Book 3A P23-25
l Student’s self-assessment sheet P60
The First Period
Dimension targets:
l Provide and present simple information on familiar topics.
l Converse about experiences.
l Interpret and use simple given information through labelling.
Language focus:
l Asking Wh-questions to find out about a specific thing. (e.g. What’s this?)
l Using nouns to identify things. (e.g. a classroom, the school)
Language skills:
l Open an interaction by eliciting a response.
l Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual questions.
l Identify key words by recognizing stress.
l Student’s Book 3A page 25
l Cassette 3A and a cassette player
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