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二年级上学期英语Unit1 Lesson4教案范文(沪教版)



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一.教学课题 Unit1 Where I live Lesson4


Language focus: 1. Using the simple present tense to express interests

and preferences.


Teaching aims: 1. Review the sentences: I live in… I love …

2. To learn the rhyme.


1. Read and say:

2. Look, read and learn:

3. Look and say:

4. Think and guess:

5. Look and read:

五.教具:Teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.

六.教学过程:Teaching procedure:

Teachers’s activity Students’s activity remarks

Pre-task preparation


T: Hello, everybody.

Ss: Hello, Miss Shen.

T: Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

T: Since that let’s sing a song together, ok?

Ss: Ok.

Sing a song: Good morning.

1. Revision:

1) Free talk:

T: Where do you live?

S1: I live in Suzhou/Shanghai.

I love Suzhou/Shanghai.

(repeat this practice for several times.)


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