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沪教版二年级英语上册Unit1 Lesson1教案设计



教案中教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法、板书设计、教学手段、教学时间等,都要经过周密考虑、精心设计,体现着很强的计划性。下面是为大家收集的二年级英语上册Unit1 Lesson1教案设计,供大家参考。

一.教学课题 Unit1 Where I live Lesson1


Language focus: 1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions.

2.Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects.


Teaching aims: 1. Review the sentences: Look at the … Open/Close the…

Show/ me your… Take your…

2. Teach the new sentences: Clean the desk, please.

Sweep the floor, please.


1. Read and say:

2. Look, read and learn:

3. Look and say:

4. Think and guess:

5. Look and read:

五.教具:Teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.

六.教学过程:Teaching procedure:

Teacher’s activity Students’s activity Remark Pre-task preparation

1.Warming up:

Sing a song: Hello!

2. Free talk:

1) T: Hello, boys and girls, I’m very happy to see you again. Welcome to back our school and our classroom.

(Ss say the word ‘classroom’ together several times.)

First please say ‘hello’ to your partner.

Ss do it.

2) T: Good morning, S1.

S1: Good morning , Miss Shen.

T: How do you do!/ How are you?/ I’ m happy to see you.

S1: …..

( Ask and answer several times.)

3.Ask and answer:

1) T: what is this? (Point to the desk)

S2: This is a desk.

Encourage the class to point to their own desks and say ‘ desk’.

2) T: And your know, this is our classroom. (Gesture with T’s arm to Listen and sing a song together.

Say hello to each others in the class.

Greeting between T and Ss.

Ask and respond. 歌曲开始课堂让学生重新感受到英语课的气氛。


这是为了教授新的知识而做的准备工作。 indicate the classroom )


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