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二年级完整英语知识点必知由威廉希尔app 为您提供,供您参考。

1.We lived in a small house many years ago.多年前我们住在小房子里.

2.We live in a big house now.现在我们住在大房子里.

3.She didn't have a television last year.去年她没有电视.

4.There weren't any buses then.那时没有公共汽车.

5.There are lots of buses and cars now.现在有许多公共汽车和小汽车.

6.I'm going to meet you in New York .我会在纽约接你。

7.Life was very different in China many years ago.许多年前中国的生活大不相同。

8.I watch TV every day . 我每天看电视。

9.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren .昨天我和孙子们一起看电视。

10.She didn't have a television or a radio then.那时她既没有电视也没有收音机。

11.As a small child, she couldn't see or write. 在她还是个小孩子的时候,她既不会看也不会写。

12.She learnt English.她学过英语.

13.Mr Li was a teacher then. 那时李先生是一名老师.

14.Everyone speaks English .大家都说英语。

15.We went in a yellow texi to their flat last week.上周我们坐一辆黄色小汽车去了他们的公寓。

16.He's learning English now.他现在正在学英语

17.Why is she wearing these clothes ? 她为什么穿着这些衣服呢?

18.Because she was a dancer before . 因为以前她是个舞蹈演员。

19.She danced in lots of Chinese cities .她在中国的很多城市跳过舞。

20.He taught Chinese ten years ago. 十年前他教语文。

21.Chen Hai is an English teacher. He's teaching Mr Li.陈海是一名英语老师,他正教李先生。

22.She had eggs and sausages.她吃了鸡蛋和香肠.

23.Sam ate six hamburgers.萨姆吃了六个汉堡包.

24.What did she have for breakfast?她早餐吃的什么?

25.And what did she have for dinner?他晚饭吃的什么?

26.She had fish and chips.她吃了鱼和薯条

27.Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn't like hamburgers .


28.We gave our hamburgers to Sam .我们把我们的汉堡给了萨姆。

29.Are you ready for your trip tomorrow ? 你准备好明天的旅行了吗?

30.Where can you find out ahout animals?你在哪儿能找到有关动物的信息?

31.Where are you going to go? To the airport .你打算去哪?机场。

33.Let's go to library.我们去图书馆吧.

34.We can find a book about compurters there.我们在那儿能找到有关电脑的书.

35.Where are the books about compurters, please?请问有关电脑方面的书在哪儿?

36.I've got two letters in English .我收到了两封英文信件。

37.I want to make an e-card for Mum. 我想给妈妈做张电子贺卡。

38.Can you help me ?你能帮我吗?

39.We can use our computer now . 现在我们会用我们的电脑了。

40.You can find out about Chinese words in this dictionary . 关于汉字你可以在字典里找到。


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