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Test of 2A Unit 1-Unit4

Class_____________ Name______________ Score_____________

1. Listen and finish(听录音,填字母)---1'*10=10'

1) _____ in 2) p _____ r k 3) s w ______m

4) ______ a r 5) C o _____ e 6) ______ r a i n

7) b u _____ 8) h ____t dog

9) s l ______ ______ p 10) ______uice

2. Listen and choose the words(听录音,选单词) ---1'*10=10'

1) A. swim B. sleep C. sweep

2) A. play B. plane C. say

3) A. fish B. dish C. wash

4) A. water B. sweet C. meat

5) A. biscuit B. bus C. hot dog

6) A. road B. fold C. Coke

7) A. sing B. bin C. in

8) A. juice B. pizza C draw

9) A. cake B. make C. face

10) A. soup B. rice C. noodles

3. Listen and number the words(听录音,给单词编号) ---1'*10=10'

sweep biscuit train road play

扫 饼干 火车 道路 玩

bin taxi water building van

垃圾箱 出租车 水 大楼 小客车

4. Listen and number the sentences(听录音,选句子) ---1'*10=10'

1) A. Open the door, please. 2) A. I can run.

B. Clean the door, please. B. I like to run.

3) A. I live in Bei jing. 4) A. How do you go to the park?

B. I love Bei jing. B. Do you like to go to the park.

5) A. Get in the ferry. 6) A. Have some juice.

B. Get off the ferry. B. Have some Coke.

7) A. We go to Shang hai by bus. 8) A. I like to swim.

B. We go to Shang hai by train B. I like to sleep.

9) A. Come and dance with me.

B. Come and draw with me.

10) A. Where do you live?

B. Where are you from?

5. Look and fill(看中文,填字母)---1'*10=10'

1) ____ at 猫 2) ____ pple 苹果

3) ____ ot dog 热狗 4) ____ ird 鸟

5) ____ raw 画画 6) ____ rog 青蛙

7) b ____ ____ 蜜蜂 8) ____ rand mother 奶奶

9) ____ uice 果汁

6. Read and match(读单词,将中文和单词配对) ---2'*5=10'


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