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The leopard is certainly more agile than the tiger and lion. Its movements are faster. The leopard can jump greater than three metres in the air. It can climb trees with unbelievable speed. The leopard is becoming less in number. It is hunted for its skin which is of greyish gold with dark spots. The leopard is basically a nocturnal animal although we can sometimes see it in the day.

( ) 41. The leopard is considered to be the most dangerous of the cat family

because it __________.

A. is stronger than the lion

B. eats human beings

C. carries the body of dead animals

D. eats dogs

( ) 42. The leopard is __________ a lion or a tiger.

A. smaller than

B. larger than

C. as big as

D. taller than

( ) 43. Another word for ‘twice’ is _________.

A. heavier B. three times C. double D. lighter

( ) 44. What is another word for dead animal?

A. prey B. predator C. carcass D. victim

( ) 45. The leopard is more agile than the tiger as it __________.

A. can jump in the air

B. moves more slowly

C. swims in the water

D. has dark spots on its skin

( ) 46. The most dangerous animal in the cat family is the ___________.

A. tiger B. lion C. kitten D. leopard

( ) 47. The leopard is becoming less in number because __________.

A. it climbs very fast

B. it is hunted for its skin

C. it lives in Africa

D. it is dangerous

( ) 48. A nocturnal animal is one that _________.

A. is active at night

B. sleeps at night

C. sleeps in the day

D. active in the day


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