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五 Listen and write the correct number in the circle(看图听录音,按听到的顺序在小圆圈里编号) 10%

III.  阅读 30%

一 Fill in the blanks (填入所缺地字母并译成中文) 8%

1)t __ __t h    (   )  2) b __ __ l (   )

3)__ l __p h __ n t (   )  4) s __ __ p (   )

5) d __ __     (   )  6) s w __ __ t (   )

7) q __ __ l t    (   )  8) s __ n d  (   )

二 Circle the word that does not belong(圈出不同类的词 )5%

A    B     C

(  ) 1. door    dog    room

(  ) 2. fork    spoon   pears

(  ) 3. summer  water   winter

(  ) 4. ride    red    skip

(  ) 5. duck    chick   bear

三 Choice (选择填空)  12%

1. _______ your towel, please.  (A: Wash   B: Clean )

2. The horse has ___ eyes.    ( A: two   B: a   )

3. There ___ a sofa in my room. (A: is     B: are  )

4. It’s hot. ____ the window, please.(A: Close   B: Open  )

5. ____ you like the snowman?  (A: Are    B: Do  )

6. ____a bicycle here.     ( A: Climb    B: Ride  )

7. I like to ____ some lemon juice.  ( A: eat   B: drink  )

8. This is Shanghai Zoo. I can see ___.(A: shells  B: tigers  )


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