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三 Listen and circle(听录音,圈出你听到的内容) 5%

(  ) 1. Don’t ________________.

A. ride a bicycle here.   B. walk on the grass

(  ) 2. Spotty can _________________.

A. fly the kite       B. run fast

(  ) 3. It’s so hot. Please _________________.

A. turn on the fan     B. close the window

(  ) 4. Your hands are dirty. _____________________.

A.  Wash your towel quickly.

B.  Wash your hands quickly.

(  ) 5. In the morning. I __________ and ___________.

A.  brush my teeth … wash my face

B. brush my face … wash my teeth

四 Listen and choose (听录音,选出正确的句子) 10%

(  ) 1. A. I like to dance.      B. I can draw.

(  ) 2. A. Here you are.      B. No, thanks.

(  ) 3. A. It’s eight o’clock.     B. It’s a clock.

(  ) 4. A. What do you want?   B. What do you do?

(  ) 5. A. It’s OK.        B. Yes, please.


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