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期末考试是学校为了检验学生刚过去一个学期所学的知识而进行的一次考试,同学们应该加以重视。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学英语二年级上学期期末练习卷,希望大家多多练习,争取在期末考试中取得好成绩。



1.The sun is ________ the sky.

A.in B.on C.under

2.I can taste ________ my mouth.

A.use B.with C.on

3.________ you draw a dog? Yes, I can.

A.Can B.Do C.Are

4.The apples ________ big and red.

A.am B.is C.are

5.This is my sister. ________ is a nurse.

A.He B.she C.She

6.I am ________. Can I have some noodles?

A.thirsty B.hungry C.Full

7.What is ________ father? He is a teacher?

A.you B.your C.you are

8.He likes to swim. I like to ________, too.

A.jump B.swim C.Run

9.Eat ________ hot dog and drink ________ milk.

A.a…a B.a…some C.Some…some

10.________ the wind. It is cold.

A.Look B.Look at C.Listen to

二、 根据实际情况回答问题

1. Where do you live? I ________ ________ Shanghai.

2. How are you? I’m ________.

3. Where is your pencil-box? It’s ________ the ________.

4. Can you fly a kite? ________, I ________.

5. How do you go to school? I go to school ________ ________..

6. What do you like to drink? I like to drink ________ .


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