
小学二年级英语Unit4 Which Room?教学设计


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学二年级英语Unit4 Which Room?教学设计,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

小学二年级英语Unit4 Which Room?教学设计

Education Objectives



Knowledge Objectives

Basic Aims

Language focus

Words and expressions

From the Wonderland  From the Farmland  From the Grand Theatre

Class 1

Book 2B

Grade 3

Building 4  which  *may






teachers’ office

next door

Room 103

Class / next door : Where is Class 1? It’s next door. 一班在哪儿?它在隔壁。

Book 2B/ which: Which book is it? It’s Book 2B. 这是哪本书? 这是第二册B。

Grade 3: Which Grade are you in? I’m in Grade 3. 你在哪个年级?我在三年级。

Building 4: Tom is in Building 4. 汤姆在4号楼。

wrong/ with / clinic: What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?

I’m ill. 我生病了。

Let’s go to the clinic. 让我们去医护室吧。

teachers’ office/ Room 103: Where is teachers’ office? 老师办公室在哪儿?

It is in Room 103. 它在103房间。

Sentence Patterns

From the Farmland  From the Grand Theatre

Which…?  May I …? Yes, please.

What’s wrong with you? I’m ...

*Where’s …?

Which eraser do you like? 哪块橡皮你喜欢?

I like the yellow one. 我喜欢这块黄色的橡皮。

2.May I come in? 我能进来吗?

Yes, please. 请进。

3.What’s wrong with you? 你有什么不舒服吗?

I’m fine. 我很好。

Sports Club

听懂 “骑自行车”“去溜冰”两句指令,感知go+doing构成的固定搭配。


Music Box

通过朗读单词,感知字母“d”的发音/d/ 。


通过学唱歌曲“Our School Will Shine Today”,在优美的音乐中感悟学习带来的乐趣。