
二年级英语教案:Unit8 Time


一.教学课题 Unit8 Time


Language focus: 1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions.

What time is it? It‘s...o’clock.

Get up. Have lunch. Go to bed.

2. watch, clock, day, night, breakfast, lunch, dinner.

3. Letters Zz

4. Tell a story


Teaching aims: 1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions.

What time is it? It‘s...o’clock.

Get up. Have lunch. Go to bed.

5. watch, clock, day, night, breakfast, lunch, dinner.

6. Letters Zz

7. Tell a story


1. Read and say:

2. Look, read and learn:

3. Look and say:

4. Think and guess:

5. Look and read:

五.教具:Teaching aids: tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.

六.教学过程:Teaching procedure:

Lesson 1

Teacher‘s activity

Students’ activity


Free talk

Good morning.

How are you.

Pre-task preparation.

Songs and rhymes


1.Review the words which we learned before.(look and say)

2.Play a game “What‘s missing?”

Step3 Presentation

1.Play a game of “ Simon says” to review some of the commands taught so far.


2.T:(出示一个钟)What time is it ? It’s ... o‘clock.== What’s the time ?

S repeat.

3.T:(tell a story)May and her mother like to go shopping. They have been shopping for a couple of hours. They have bought lots of lovely things. May‘s mother is carrying the bag. They are heavy. She asks May: What time is it? May points to a clock: Look! It’s three o‘clock. They go into a shop. And May’s mother buys an electronic watch. Then they walk around looking at more shops. May‘s mother buys a pair of shoes. Mother asks May: What time is it ? May gets out of her new watch . It makes sound. Listen! It’s five o‘clock. It’s time to go home.


1.Listen to the tape and repeat.

2.Look and say.

T:(出示钟)What time is it?

S: It‘s...o’clock.

T--S S--S


1、Listen to the tape for several times.


Songs and rhymes

(Revise the commands )

What time is it ?

What time is it?

It‘s three o’clock.

S repeat.

Listen! It‘s five o’clock.

T:(出示图片钟)What time is it?

S: It‘s...o’clock.

T--S S--S



Blackboard writing : What time is it?

It‘s _______ O’clock.

It‘s time to _________.

教学后记:本课时主要教授询问时间的表达,What time is it? It’s ... O‘clock.

以及某个特定时间点该做什么事情的表达,It’s time to...学生对于先前的数字表达掌握较熟练,但是新授上午eleven和 twelve有些难度,掌握不够熟练。通过一节课的学习已经基本能够学会互问时间及相关动作的表述,但熟练度还不够,需要在下几个课时中加以巩固提高。

Lesson 2

Teacher‘s activity

Students’ activity


Free talk

Good morning.

How are you.

Pre-task preparation.

Songs and rhymes


Ask and answer

T: What time is it?

S: It‘s...o’clock.


1.T:What‘s this?(出示图片)

T: What’s this?

2.T: Which one would you wear on your arm?

3.T:(Point out of the window) Is it night?