




chicken shark whale dolphin sheep fish deer wolf giraffe

crocodile lion tiger mouse snake turtle panda bear camel fly

zebra spider fox butterfly hippo lizard

dragon dragonfly rat swan ant goose cock hen ox bull

kitten bat owl bunny donkey crab dinosaur tail


person aunt uncle cousin grandchild couple neighbor

member foreigner classmate stranger chairman citizen

colleague hostess leader tourist audience customer

beginner owner headmaster monitor passenger

headache n. 头疼 相关表达:I have got a headache.

toothache n. 牙疼 I have a toothache.

stomachache n. 胃疼

cough v&n 咳嗽

fever n. 发烧

temperature n. 温度 相关表达:I’m running a temperature.

flu n. 流感

disease n. 疾病

ill a. 生病的

sick a. 生病的

healthy a. 健康的 health n. 健康

raincoat n. 雨衣

wear v. 穿 相关表达:I’m wearing a T-shirt.

overcoat n. 外套,大衣

scarf n. 围巾

belt n. 腰带

blouse n. 女衬衫

stomach n. 胃

knee n. 膝盖

finger n. 手指


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