



1. Jim have a dictionary. Do you have one?________

2. Kate has an apple. What does you have?________

3. -What are they doing? -They is eating.________

4. -Do Sam doing his homework? -No, he isn't._______

5. The football is under the teachers' desk.________

6. Who can find he? _______

7. Can you fly a kite or to skate?_______

8. There are many sheeps on the farm.________

9. I have many money in my pocket(口袋). _______

10. My schoolbag is new. How about your?_______

11. --Where is Tom? --He is in a books store.________

12. There are 3 peoples in my family._______

13. There are much people in the street._______

14. Don't laugh at I.________

15. My mother wears new trouser today._______

16. He can play the volleyball. _______

17. They don't go to school in sunday. ______

18. He would like go to the supermarket.________

19. How much is the trousers? Fifty yuan.________

20. Shall we listening to music now? Good idea!_______

21. Are there some pictures on the wall?_________

22. How many computers can you look at in the picture?_______

23. There are three windows and a door on the wall._______

24. I 'd like you to go to the playground with I.________

25. Let me telling you a story._______

26. We 're the same ages._______

27. Look, the book is there. Pick up it.________

28 My birthday is on the 18 of April.________

29. Does Ben and his brother like cartoons?______

30. I 'd like to some balloons for my party. _______

31. Is it yours? No, it isn 't mine book. It 's his.


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