



一、 语音

单词辨音 选出划线部分与其它三个发音不同的一项。(5分)

( )1. A. book B. moon C. cook D. good

( ) 2. A. now B. know C. how D. cow

( ) 3. A. even B. better C. get D. let

( ) 4. A. meat B. teacher C. head D. sleep

( ) 5. A. water B. cake C. same D. Kate

二、 词汇

(一)根据汉意,把字母组成一个正确的单词。 (10分)

1. 动物 (a, m , l, i , a, n )

2. 图片,相片 ( i, t, u ,p , c, r ,e )

3.保龄球 (o, w ,l, i, b , n , g)

4. 有趣的 (t, e, r, i, n, g, n, e, i, t, s)

5.不同的 (f, f, e, n, t, i, d, r, e)

6. 模型 (d, e, l, o, m)

7. 假日 (a, y, d, o, l, h, i)

8. 音乐 (s, u, m, i, c)

9. 明天 (r, o, r, o, m, o, t, w)

10.父母亲 __ _(a , r, e, n , t, s, p)

(二) 按要求写单词(15分)

1.fat(反义词)________ 2.big(比较级)__________ 3.young(反义词)___________

4.bus(复数) __________ 5.write(同音词) __________ 6.my(人称代词) ____________

7.heavy(比较级)________ 8.beautiful(最高级)_____________ 9.do(第三人称单数)________

10.get(过去式)________ 11.one(序数词) _____________ 12.I(同音词)_____________

13.swim(现在分词)________14.have(现在分词)_________ 15.can’t(完全形式)__________

(三) 英汉词组互译(15分)

1.今天下午______________ 2. have a trip ___________________

3. 看望我的祖父母_____________ 4.stay at home ___________________

5.试一试_____________ 6.sweep the floor___________________

7.去购物_____________ 8. go fishing ___________________

9. 回家 _____________ 10. see the sunrise___________________

11. 看电视 _____________ 12. play golf ___________________

13.打篮球____________ 14. make a plan___________________

15. 长城____________

三、 选择,将选项填在括号内。(20分)

( ) 1. He’s ___ English boy. He’s from England.

A. an B. a C. the D. 不填

( ) 2. They often play _____ football after school.

A. an B. a C. the D. 不填

( ) 3. A: Here you are. B:____.

A. That’s OK. B.OK. C. It’s OK. D. Thanks.

( ) 4. A: ______ are you going to visit? B: New York.

A. Where B. Who C. When D. How

( ) 5. There are many apples ____ the tree.

A. in B. to C. of D. on

( ) 6. Linda is _____books.

A. reading B. reads C. read D. looking

( ) 7. I go to school _____foot every day

A. by B. on C. with D. at

( )8. _____12:00 I have lunch.

A. In B. With C. On D. At

( ) 9. A: What do you want to ___? B: I want some fruits.

A. tell B. listen to C. go D. buy

( ) 10. It’s too expensive. Please give me a ___ one

A. cheap B. empty C. strong D. beautiful

( )11. The big ball is _____than the small one.

A. light B. lighter C. lightest D. the lightest

( ) 12. Who is_____, Li Ming, Liu Yang or Wang Lin?

A. the tallest B. taller C. the tall D. the taller

( )13. A:Are they your classmates? B:_______

A.Yes , they aren’t. B. Yes , they’re C. No , they are. D. No , they aren’t.

( )14. A:Can you play the violin? B:_____

A. Yes , I can’t. B. No , I can’t. C. No , I can. D. Yes, I do.

( ) 15. ______ are the biggest animals on land.

A. Monkeys B. Pandas C. Tigers D. Elephants

( ) 16. We are going to play football ________.

A. afternoon B. this afternoon C. morning D. in this morning

( ) 17. Jim and I _____going to the park..

A. am B. are C. is D. be

( ) 18. Where the apples?

A. is B. am C. are D. be

( ) 19. A:Where did you buy it? B:I ____ it in the supermarket.

A. bought B. buy C. buys D. to buy

( ) 20. Let me ___ you.

A. helped B. help C. helps D. to help


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