




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

_________ _________ _________ ________ ________


1. Tom is _____ (高)than Tony.

2. - Where _____ (be) you born?

-- I _____ (be) born in Beijing.

-- When _____ (be) your birthday?

-- It _____ (be) on the tenth of June.

3. Last Sunday Amy ____ (拍) many photos in the park.

Now she _____ (看) at these photos.

4. Mary usually _____ (去)to school by bike. But this morning she _____ (去)to school on foot because her bike ______ (be) broken.


1.两杯咖啡 ______________ 2.一个菠萝 __________________

3.做游戏 ________________ 4.在星期三 __________________

5.回头见 ________________ 6.what else _________________

7.look after ____________ 8.thank goodness ____________

9.make the bed __________ 10.do one's homework ________



( ) 1. Can I put them here? A. Han Mei and Wei Fang.

( ) 2. Who are these girls? B. I am.

( ) 3. Who is on duty today? C. No, we are English.

( ) 4. What row are you in? D. Oh, yes, put them there.

( ) 5. Where are they? E. He is a teacher.

( ) 6. Are you American? F. It's a pencil.

( ) 7. Hello, Lucy. This way, please. G. We are in Class Three.

( ) 8. What class are you in? H. Sorry, I don't know.

( ) 9. What's your father? I. Thank you.

( ) 10. What's this? J. I'm in Row Two.


Mr Smith is an old man. He __1__ two big houses and a new car. He has no __2__,

but he has four __3__ --two sons and two daaughters. One son is __4__ England. His name is Tom. The other son is from America. His name is Jack. One daughter is from China. __5__ name is Fangfang. The other daughter is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. Mr Smith is not the four children's real __6__, but he loves them __7__. The children love him, __8__. Mr Smith buys many __9__ for the children. He gives __10__toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and tog animals. Mr Smith and the children are good friends.

( ) 1. A have B has C there is D there are

( ) 2. A wife B father C mother D friend

( ) 3. A sons B daughters C childs D children

( ) 4. A in B at C from D on

( ) 5. A His B Her C Their D She

( ) 6. A mother B father C uncle D aunt

( ) 7. A very much B very C much D much very

( ) 8. A very B much C two D too

( ) 9. A things B boys C toys D girls

( ) 10. A different B the same C good D bad


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