




1.worm work (  )

2.cake many (  )

3.zebra vest (  )

4.fridge milk(  )

5.use jump  (  )

6.waiter day (  )

7.star park (  )

8.sleep read (  )


1.is(过去式)      ________

2.fat(比较级)     ________

3.went(原形)      ________


5.family(复数)     ________

6.early(比较级)    ________

7.get(过去式)     ________

8.far(比较级)     ________

9.better(原形)     ________

10.my(名词性物主代词) ________

11.catch(同义词)   ________


1. Who is ______? Your mother or father?

A. older

B. taller

C. young

2. The girls run ______ their classmates.

A. fast then

B. faster than

C. slower than

3. Which is ______, an elephant or a monkey?

A. bigger

B. smaller

C. heavier

4. Are you good ______ English or Chinese?

A. in

B. on

C. at

5. ______ Su Hai and Su Yang speak English ______ than their friends?

A. Are, well

B. Do, better

C. Does, good

6. ______ you please show me the way _______ No.5 bus stop?

A. Would, to

B. Could, of

C. Can, to

7. Go ______ this ______ , you’ll see the school.

A. along, street

B. down, road

C. cross, crossing

8. A plane runs ______ than a train.

A. faster

B. slower

C. higher

9. The weather in New York in winter is _______ than in Nanjing.

A. cooler

B. colder

C. not warmer

10.Did you ______ at last weekends?

A. have a picnic

B. went to the theatre

C. give a puppet show

11.We need _______ and _______ to make us more beautiful.

A. a mirror, a comb

B. a comb, a hair dryer

C. a wallet, a watch

12._______ purse is it? It’s _______.

A. Who’s, his

B. Whose, mine

C. Whose, his

13._______ you _______ a moon cake last Mid-autumn Festival?

A. Do, have, did

B. Did, has, did

C. Did, have, did

14.What would you like? I’d like _______.

A. a T-shirt

B. some books

C. reading books

15.Can Wang Bing _______ Maths well? Yes, he _______.

A. study, can

B. studies, can

C. study, can’t

16.The boy _______ _______ in the playground.

A. is skating

B. are skating

C. are running

17._______ is _______? A plane or a train?

A. What, big

B. Which, faster

C. Which, slower

18.This is Gao Hao speaking, _______.

A. Who’s that

B. Who’re you

C. Is that Li Yang?

19.Shall we meet _______ one twenty?

A. at

B. in

C. at about

20._______ is _______ season in New York.

A. Winter, the best

B. Autumn, the best

C. Autumn, a cool and sunny

21. ——When is the National Day in China?——_________

A. It’s on the 1st of September.

B. It’s in the 1st of October.

C. It’s on the 1st of November.

D. It’s at the 1st of October.

22. ——Hello, is that Jack? ——________.

A. Yes, I am Jack.

B. Hello, it’s me.

C. Yes, speaking.

D. No, I’m not Jack.

23. Lucy is _____. Lily is _____ than Lucy. Helen is _____ of them all.

A. taller, tallest, tall

B. tall, taller, tallest

C. tall, the taller, tallest

D. tall, taller, the tallest

24. ——We are going to have a camping trip this Sunday.

——Sounds great! I will bring _________.

A. a tin-opener, some match and a chocolate

B. a tin-opener, some matches and a chocolate

C. a tin-opener, a matches and a chocolate

D. a tin-opener, some matches and a bar of chocolate

25. ——What’s the shape of this kite? It’s _________.

——But I like that square one _________.

A. a triangle, better

B. blue, better

C. a triangle, best

D. blue, best

26. Stop _________, please! I _________ am earache.

A. shout, have

B. shouting, have

C. shout, have got

D. shouting, have got

27. I’m from _______, so I can speak ________. He comes from _______, so he can’t speak French.

A. France, French, Australia

B. French, France, Australia

C. French, France, Australian

D. France, French, Australian.

28. ——Look, there’s public sign there. _________?

——It means ‘no cycling’.

A. What’s that?

B. What does it mean?

C. Why?

D. What’s that in English?

29. ——Why are you late again? ——_________.

A. Because the traffic was heavier than yesterday and the bus went slower.

B. Because the traffic is heavier than yesterday and the bus go slower.

C. Because the traffic was heavy than yesterday and the bus went slower.

D. Because the traffic was heavier than yesterday and the bus went slow.

30. ——_________ is the Red Apple Cinema from here?

——It’s about a kilometer away.

A. How long

B. How far

C. How many

D. How much


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