




1.____________(Japan)come from Japan.

2.We teach ____________(they)English.

3.My cousin ____________(have)a new dictionary.

4.There are four ____________(tomato)on the table.

5.My mother often____________(buy)some nice food on weekends.


1.I don’t like ____________ thrillers ____________ playing baseball.

A. watching; or B. watching; and C. to watch; or

2.I like you, Tom. Let’s ____________ good friends.

A. do B. be C. have

3.—Who are your parents talking ____________?

—I don’t know.

A. for B. to C. on

4.Can Lily ____________ French?

A. say B. speak C. talk

5.____________! Tom. It’s 7: 00 o’clock.

A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up

6.Classes are over. The students are ____________ now.

A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down


—It’s six o’clock.

A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you

8.—Where does the man ____________?

—In a room near here.

A. come B. go C. stay

9.Football is ____________ game.

A. boys’ B. a boy’s C. boy’s

10.The teacher and the students talk ____________ English ____________ class.

A. in; in the B. in; in C. with; in the


A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: 1  I want to buy a shirt for my son.

A: The shirts are over there. This way, please. 2 .

B: Hmm, I like the style(样式), but I don’t like the color.

A: OK. 3  How about this one?

B: That’s my son’s favourite color. 4

A. 35 yuan.

B: OK. 5 . Here’s the money.

A: Thank you.

A. I’ll take it.

B. Let me show you another one.

C. Yes, please.

D. How much is it?

E. Do you like this shirt?


1.His family are from Japan. (对划线部分提问)

2.He likes English and math. (改一般疑问句)

3.I have some books in my backpack. (改否定句)

4.Does your father like sport? (做肯定回答)

5.The little boy goes to school at 7: 30.(对划线部分提问)


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