



一、语音知识 。(10分)


( ) 1、A thousand B with C think D both

( ) 2 、A great B break C beach D meat

( ) 3 、A lived B played C called D visited

( ) 4 、A hour B heavy C healthy D Halloween

( ) 5 、A good B foot C cook D food

B) 找出重音所在音节与其它三个不同的那一个单词,把它的编号写在括号里。(5分) ( ) 1 、 A drive B baby C borrow D before

( ) 2 、A potato B elephant C tomato D eleven

( ) 3 、A computer B newspaper C excellent D wonderful

( ) 4 、A behind B appear C leader D routine

( ) 5 、A umbrella B manager C policeman D tomorrow


( ) 1、When the mother came into the bedroom, her baby fell______ already.

A asleep B sleeps C slept D are sleeping

( ) 2、David Beckham is a famous __________ from the U.K.

A footballer B politician C musician D inventor

( ) 3、How do you say the year “1809”?

A one eight 0 nine B one thousand eight hundred and nineteen

C eighteen o nine D one thousand eighty-nine

( ) 4、---I lost my grandma yesterday . --- ______________ .

A I'm sorry to hear that B Congratulation C Fantastic D Thank you

( ) 5 、We shouldn't __________ the animals at the zoo,that 's the rule.

A feeds B feeding C feed D feeder

( ) 6、——How __________ is your father?

A many B long C often D tall

( ) 7、As we know,Japan is _______ east of China.

A on B to C in D at

( ) 8、He_______ he could _________ like a bird.

A wished ,flew B wished, fly C wishing, flies D wishes,fly

( ) 9 、I'm really hungry ,I need _________ to eat ,but _______ in the fridge.

A anything, something B nothing , something

C something, nothing D anything , nothing

( ) 10、There __________ some grape juice and two pieces of bread on that table

A has B is C have D are


1 、The G____________ Wall is the longest wall in the world.

2 、The man is very p________ ,he has no food to eat , no water to drink.

3 、C____________ is a popular festival in western countries.

4 、E__________ are the biggest animals on land

5 、Plants can't grow well w________ water and air.

6 、Please say it again, I can't h_______ you.

7 、Dr Sun Yatsen was once a d____________.

8 、I was s___________ when I saw some pretty flowers on my desk.

9 、Listening a concert is so b_________ ,let 's go to the circus i____________.


1、Ann often ____________ (watch) TV at home, She __________ (watch) again last night

2、__________ ( not eat ) in the library, Tonny.

3、________ your dad often _________ (water) the flowers on weekdays.

4、My aunt ____________ (have) a farm. There are some____________ (deer)in it.

5、Chongqi is a_________ (large) city, and it is one of the _________(large)cities in China. 6 、Be quiet please , the children_____________ (have) lesson in the classroom.


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