


学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,它是一个日积月累的渐进过程,威廉希尔app 为大家分享小升初英语测试练习题,希望大家认真练习!


1. 有相同的爱好_____________    2. do well in _____________________

3. 和•••交谈_______________    4. go for a walk ___________________

5. 得了重感冒________________   6. that’s true ____________________

7. 在周末 _________________     8. do more exercise ________________

9. 玩得很高兴________________   10. well done ______________________


1. What are the _________ (孩子们)doing?

2. David likes _________ __________ (收集邮票).

3. Can Wang Bing jump _________ ___________ ____________ (一样远)his classmates?

4. You’ll get ________ (更强壮)and you’ll do _________(更好)in PE.

5. Shall we __________(开始)our __________ (课)now?

6. Tom is _________ (缺席)because he ___________ ________ (生病) today.

7. Please speak _________ (大声地).I can’t _________ (听见)you.


1. He’s not as __________ (strong) as the other children.

2. Look! They’re __________ (have) a chat.

3. Jim can play music __________ (beautiful).

4. Which is _________ (heavy), the bear or the elephant?

5. Have a good rest. You’ll get _________ (good) soon.

6. A: What ________ (do) Yang Ling often do after school?

B: He ______ (go) home and ________ (draw) some pictures.

7. A: What ________ (do) Su Hai do last Sunday morning?

B: He __________ (go) for a walk in the park.


Ⅰ                                                                      Ⅱ

(  ) 1. Do you have any problems           A: I get up at six thirty.

with your homework?

(  ) 2. What time do you get up?           B: I’m sorry. The traffic was heavy.

(  ) 3. How about going out for a          C: I’m good at Chinese.

walk around the lake?

(  ) 4. Can you jump higher than Ben?      D: Yes, there are.

(  ) 5. What’s the matter?                E: Yes, she is.

(  ) 6. Is your mother good at driving a car? F: That’s a good idea.

(  ) 7. Are these any butterflies?            G: I have some problems with English.

(  ) 8. You’re late.                       H: Liu Tao’s.

(  ) 9. What are you good at?               I: Yes, I can.

(  ) 10. Whose schoolbag is heavier?        J: No, I don’t.


1. A: __________ are you going?

B: I’m going to the shopping centre.

A: ________ do you want to do?

B: ________ like to _________ a hat ________ my daughter.

A: Shall we go there ________ taxi?

B: All right.

2. A: _________ you get up as _________ as ________ as your brother?

B: No. I get up at 6:30, but he ________ up at 6:15.

A: So you get up _______ than him.


(  ) 1. _________ come to Yang Ling’s birthday party?

A. Would like to          B. Would you like to

C. Would you like         D. Would you to

(  ) 2. --- Where ______ you just now? --- I ________ in the playground.

A. was, were     B. was, was     C. were, was     D. were, were

(  ) 3. Ben and I _______ some flowers last week.

A. plant         B. planted      C. planting      D. plants

(  ) 4. – What ______ he do? – He _______ pears on the farm.

A. does, pick    B. did, picks   C. does, picked  D. did, picked

(  ) 5. This knife is yours, Ann. _______, please.

A. Put on it     B. Put it on    C. Put it away   D. Put it away

(  ) 6. I want to ______. It is fun!

A. go camping    B. going camping  C. go to camping  D. going to camping

(  ) 7. Can you say the names _______ the things?

A. for           B. to           C. with          D. of

(  ) 8. All my ________ to my birthday party last night.

A. friends came  B. friend came  C. friends come  D. friend come

(  ) 9. _______ your new sweater _________ me, please.

A. Show, to      B. Give, for    C. Have, for     D. Shows, to

(  ) 10. The Walkman is in ________ Su Hai’s pocket.

A. the           B. /            C. a             D. that

(  ) 11. --- Here’s a card for you. Happy birthday! --- ___________.

A. Thanks        B. No, thank you    C. Yes, please  D. Ok

(  ) 12. It’s very hot. Jim is ______ his coat.

A. putting on    B. taking off        C. taking down    D. take off

(  ) 13. ________ make noise; They’re _________ music.

A. Don’t; listening   B. Not; listening   C. Don’t

(  ) 14. --- What day is it today? --- ____________.

A. It’s February 10   B. It’s a Wednesday

C. It’s fine          D. Friday

(  ) 15. “Keep off the grass” means __________.

A. we shouldn’t make any noise on the grass

B. we shouldn’t walk on the grass

C. we shouldn’t eat or drink on the grass

D. we shouldn’t smoke on the grass


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