


英语,是当前中国小学生重要的学习课程之一。下面是威廉希尔app 为大家分享的小升初英语模拟试卷,供大家参考!


( )1.A.name B.grade C.have D.plane

( )2.A.see B.meet C.green D.eraser

( )3.A.know B.now C.flower D.how

( )4.A.bike B.fine C.behind D.different

( )5.A.these B.there C.three D.that


( )1.Mr. Wang and his students a lesson now.

A.are having B.had C.have D.are have

( )2.- Yang Ling like football? Yes,she .

A.Does;does B.Do;do C.Do;does D.Does;do

( )3.-What under the bed? 一There are some footballs.

A.are B.is C./ D.were

( )4.Look,the boy can .

A.skating B.skate C.skates D.is skating

( )5.-Do you like chess? -Yes,I do.

A.playing B.plays C.play D.played

( )6.The man a book in his hand is my uncle.

A.and B.of C.with D.for

( )7.Who's the lady blue?

A.in B.on C.at D.with

( )8.We usually stay home Saturday afternoon.

A.at;in B.at;on C.in;at D.on;on

( )9. your new sweater me,please.

A.Show;to B.Give;for C.Have;for D.Shows;to

( )10.How long does it you to go to work by car?

A.taking B.takes C.to takes D.take

( )11.All my to my birthday party last night.

A.friends came B.friend came C.friends come D.friend come

( )12.The Walkman is in Su Hai's pocket.

A.the B./ C.a D.that

( )13.-Here's a card for you. Happy birthday! - .

A.Thanks B.No, thank you C.Yes,please D.OK

( )14.-What day is it today? 一

A.It's February 10. B.It's a Wednesday

C.It's fine. D.Friday.

( )15."Keep off the grass"means .

A.we shouldn't make any noise on the grass

B.we shouldn't walk on the grass

C.we shouldn't eat or drink on the grass

D.we shouldn't smoke on the grass


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