


英语,是当前中国小学生重要的学习课程之一。威廉希尔app 精心为大家整理了小升初英语模拟测试题,希望能帮助大家取得好成绩!


1.复数:dress ________  sheep ________  scarf ________

2.反义词:behind ________  happy ________  hungry ________

3.同音词:know ________  flour ________  right ________

4.现在分词:play ________ sit ________ dance ________ swim ________

watch ________ shut ________ paint ________


child ________  sheep ________  sweet ________  library ________

bread ________  peach ________  office ________


play ________  ________  jump ________  ________

swim ________  ________  have ________  ________

ride ________  ________  watch ________  ________


1.dessert desk       2.spoon  balloon

3.front  from       4.beach  bread

5.three  that       6.over   open

7.hungry  ruler       8.salt   what

9.butter  doctor      10.who   where


1.My mother ________ (wash) the plate in the kitchen now.

2.Please ________ (have) some water.

3.School is over. The pupils can ________ (play) games.

4.Don’t ________ (run) in the school,Danny.

5.We ________ (like) music. Now we (sing).

6.Let me ________ (go) to the cinema.

7.Mary,________ you ________ (clean) the window? Yes,I am.

8.The workers ________ (want) some tea. They’re thirsty.

9.Look,Mrs White ________ (have) a maths lesson. We like maths.

10.I can ________ (listen) to the radio on Sunday.

11.Miss Fang: _______ (not make) a noise in the cinema,Peter and Danny.

Peter: I’m hungry. Can I ________ (eat) in the cinema, Miss Fang?

Miss Fang: ________ (look) at the sign, Peter.

Peter: Oh!Sorry. The sign ___(mean) “Don’t ___(eat) or ___(drink)”.

Danny: Look,the film is beginning. Look,the boy ________ (play) football with the children.He can ________ (play) football well. What’s the film’s name?

Peter: I don’t ________ (know),Danny. I ________ (like) the boy.

Miss Fang: Don’t _____ (talk). Let’s _____ (see) the film together.

Peter and Danny: Sorry.



1.I can _____________________(读英语).

2.There are ________________________(蔬菜) in the bowl.

3.Please ___________________________(打开书).

4.We _______________________(正在游泳) in the school.

5.Is the girl ________________________(骑自行车)?


(1) The ________ (1) day of October is the National Day.

(2) There are ________ (6) floors in our school.

(3) Our Computer Room is on the ________ (3) floor.

(4) How much is your watch? ________ (100) yuan.

(5) I’m Mrs Lin. I’m ________ (40) years old.

(6) Thanksgiving Day is the ________ (4) Thursday in November.

(7) Which is your English teacher? The ________ (5) one in that row.

(8) Peter’s birthday is on the ________ (30) of May.

(9) How many giraffes are there? ________ (21).

(10) February is the ________ (2) month of a year.


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