


学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,它是一个日积月累的渐进过程,下面是威廉希尔app 为大家分享的小升初复习测试卷英语及解析,供大家参考!


(     ) 1. A. big          B. bag        C. bigger

(     ) 2. A. her          B. hurt       C. hairw

(     ) 3. A. head         B. leg        C. hand

(     ) 4. A. tall          B. tail        C. tired

(     ) 5. A. play basketball   B. plays basketball   C. played basketball

二、根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其填在括号内。(7分)

(  ) 1.   A. 146cm tall      B. 164cm tall       C. 164cm long

(   ) 2.   A.15             B. 50             C.55

(   ) 3.   A. bike           B. by             C. bought

(   ) 4.   A. wash           B. catch          C. watch

(   ) 5.   A. play            B. plant          C. plane

(   ) 6.   A. actor           B. actress         C. artist

(   ) 7.   A. October        B. November      C. December


A          B                 A          B


1. Mary is __________ and __________.

2. He had a ___________yesterday.

3. Zhang Peng is __________ than me.

4. I __________ a new magazine for my brother yesterday.


(     ) 1. Tom lives in China.

(     ) 2. Tom’s father is a policeman.

(     ) 3. Tom’s mother is a teacher.

(     ) 4. Tom is a student.

(     ) 5. Tom went to school by bus yesterday .



6.              7.               8.             9.              10.

(   ) go skiing    (   ) play the violin (    )swimming  (     ) reading

(   ) go fishing   (    ) go ice-skating  (    )clean the room

(   ) riding a bike  (     ) Chinese teacher   (     ) accountant


(   ) 1. A. tell         B . say          C . cook        D . father

(   ) 2. A . pear        B . apple        C . flower       D . banana

(   ) 3. A. bike      B. bus     C. black      D.ship

(   ) 4. A. bread       B . milk         C . table        D . egg

(   ) 5. A. one        B . two          C . first         D . four


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