





( )1. A. noodles B. rice and noodles C. rice and meat D. meat and noodles

( )2.A. A dog B. A cat C. A horse D. A fish

( )3.A. By bus B. By car C. By bike D. On foot

( )4.A. 7:50 B. 8:00 C. 8:05 D. 8:10

( )5.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Wednesday


( )1. A. Kate is good at playing basketball.

B. Kate likes playing basketball.

C. Kate hates playing basketball.

D. Kate is a basketball player.

( )2.A. Tom is interested Mary's book.

B. Tom's story-book is very interesting.

C. Mary likes reading Tom's story book very much..

D. Mary's book is as interesting as Tom's.

( )3.A. She can remember everything.

B. Her memory is very good.

C. Her memory isn't very good.

D. Please don't remember her.

( )4.A. I heard from my parents last month.

B. I wrote a letter to my parents last month.

C. My parents heard from once.

D. My parents got a letter from me.

( )5.A. I do well in English.

B. I don't do well in English.

C. I like English very much.

D. I'm not from England.

C.听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 "T",错误的写 "F" (5')

( ) 1. The library is open 8 hours a day.

( ) 2. Students can borrow(借)all the books from the library.

( ) 3. Students can keep books for at least two weeks.

( ) 4. If a student doesn't return the books on time(按时), he has to buy the books.

( ) 5. Students can't take food and drinks into the library.


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