






( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. ( ) 2.


( )1. This letter is from China.

( )2. Laura has got short, red hair.

( )3. Laura likes Chinese food.

( )4 .Daming has got a Chinese kite.

( )5. New York is in the east of America.

( )6. Laura will answer Lingling’s questions about America.



( ) 1.Christmas is ________ the 25th of December.

A. in B. on C. of

( ) 2. Don’t ________so much noise.

A. make B. made C. making

( ) 3. A baby ________ for sixteen hours a day.

A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps

( )4.Can I go with ________?

A. you B. they C. my

( ) 5. I ________ play football every day.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t

( ) 6. Look ________ the moon! It’s so round.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 7. Do you like ________ books?

A. read B. reads C. reading

( )8. He can __________very well.

A. swim B. swimming C .swims

( )9.Mum often goes shopping, ________ she doesn’t watch TV.

A. But B. and C. but

( )10. A fox sleeps in the day ________ is awake at night.

A. but B. and C. then

( )11. Pandas eat for ________ hours a day.

A. twelve B. thirteen C. fifteen

( )12. There _______ seven days in a week.

A. am B. is C. are

( )13. I’m going to __________an email to Dad.

A. sends B. send C. sending

( )14. Only drink _______water.

A. dirty B. clean C. pretty

( )15. Look ! The snake _____ out of the box.

A. is coming B. comes C. come


1. Last __________ (周末) ,we went to the library.

2. At Christmas, my parents give us some ___________ (礼物).

3. Dalian is a beautiful ________ ( 城市).

4. I’ve got a _______ _______. (笔友) Here is her ___________(地址).

5. I’m ___________(口渴的). I want to drink some water.

6. It’s easy for her to use Chinese _______________( 筷子 ).

7. We can see Chinese ___________(舞蹈) in a Chinatown in America.

8. A _________ (孩子) sleeps for eight hours a night.



( ) 1. When does a tiger sleep? A. For 15 hours.

( ) 2. How long does it sleep? B. At night.

( ) 3. What time do you get up? C. At 7 o’clock.

( ) 4. What’s that? D. Every week.

( ) 5. How often do you swim? E. It’s a famous building in Beijing.


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