





( )1、A、draw a picture B、play the piano C、read a book

( )2、A、art room B、music room C、computer room

( )3、A、listen to music B、open the window C、go swimming

( )4、A、make the bed B、make the tea C、set the table

( )5、A、basket ball B、baseball C、football、

(二) 听音选择,使下列话语完整。(5分)

( )1.Today is ____________.

A. windy B. rainy C. foggy

( )2.What time is it ? It’s_________.

A. 7:15 B.7:30 C.7:45

( ) 3.My sister is __________.

A. waiter B.waitress C .shop assistant

( )4.We go _________on Sunday.

A. shop B.shopping C.shoping

( )5.How can we ________to Beijing?

A.go B. get C. going


( )1.A.What time is it ? B. What’s the time ?

( )2.A. What’s the weather like today ?

B.How’s the weather ?

( )3.A What’s the matter with you?

B.What’s wrong with you ?

( )4.A I like longans best. B I like loquats best.

( )5.A Help yourself to some milk. B.Help youself to some milk.



( )1.A.That’s all right. B.All right.

( )2.A.They are watching TV. B.They watch TV on Sunday.

( )3. A. She has a bad cold . B. He has a cough.

( )4.A. Yes, I want an eraser. B. OK.

( )5.A. They smell sweet. B. It smells round.


1.A、 B、 C、

2.A、 B、 C、


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