


随着小升初考试时间的越来越紧凑,很多考生都出现了盲目复习的现象,复习无重点。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供小升初英语考试训练题及答案,希望对大家有帮助!


( ) 1. that mouth ( ) 2. tree sleep

( ) 3. Japan Japanese ( ) 4. beef feel

( ) 5. kite fish ( ) 6. hot over

( ) 7. have name ( ) 8. his this


1. 一次重感冒 _________________________

2. 四点一刻 _________________________

3. 跟我学英语 _________________________

4. 扫地 _________________________

5. 一个有趣的中国人 ___________________

6. 值日 _________________________

7. a camping trip ____________________

8. surf the Internet __________________

9. lie on one’s back _________________

10. at once _______________________

11. say goodbye to their teachers __________________

12. catch insects ____________________


( ) 1. Mr Wang and his students _____ a lesson now.

A are having B had C have

( ) 2. – Yang Ling like football?

-- Yes, she ____.

A Does;does B Do;do C Do;does

( ) 3. – What ____ under the bed?

-- There are some footballs.

A are B is C /

( ) 4. Look, the boy can ____.

A skating B skate C skates

( ) 5. – Do you like _____ chess?

-- Yes, I do.

A playing B plays C play

( ) 6.I have a telescope;my sister ____ one, too.

A have B / C has

( ) 7. Let’s buy a ____ for our grandparents.

A New Year Card B new year card C New Year card

( ) 8. -- ___ day is it today?

-- It’s Tuesday.

A What’s B What C Which

( ) 9. – May I _____ Helen?

-- This is Helen speaking.

A speaking B speak C speak to

( ) 10. Ann’s hobbies _____ going shopping and taking photos.

A is B are C have

( ) 11. What’s wrong _____ you?

A for B of C with

( ) 12. My family ____ in China now


A living B lives C live

( ) 13. His sister _____ school at ten past seven.

A go to B goes to C goes

( ) 14. David comes from Australia. He is ____.

A an English man B an American C an Australian

( ) 15. The students are talking about their weekends _____ Friday afternoon.

A on B in C at


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