


小升初考试对于身处其中的家长和学生来说是一场战役。考验着家长和孩子的智力、体力、耐力、毅力、抗压力。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供外研版小升初英语试题及答案,希望对大家有帮助!


一 、根据所给字母,写出下列单词的正确形式。(5分)

1.l f y (飞,) 2.a a y w(离开) 3.t a i s s r(楼梯) ___ _ 4.e s m s (混乱)

5.l l o n o b a(气球)____ _ 6.a r c d(卡片) 7.f l u c r e a(小心的)

8.i r b h t y d a(生日) 9.u p e r a s r e t k m(超市) 10.e l p h(帮助)


1.run _____ 2.ride ______ 3.swim ________ 4.write ________ 5.jump________

6.sing 7.draw 8.see 9.take 10.get


( )1.help me ( )2.birthday party ( )3.buy things ( )4.run away ( )5.pick up ( )6.get off the bus ( )7.make a cake ( )8.fall down ( )9.not at all ( )10.look at

A.捡起 B.下车 C.逃跑 D.看... E.做蛋糕 F.掉落 G.帮助我 H.生日聚会I.一点也不 J.买东西

四 、单项选择。(15分)

( )1.He`s buying things your birthday. A.in B.on C.for

( )2.She`s the supermarket. A.in B.at C.on

( )3.I am Daming`s birthday card. A.make B.making C.made

( )4.____is it? ——It`s five am. A. What B. When C. What time

( )5.The pears are falling the staris. A.under B.around C.down

( )6. A clever boy! A.What B.How C.Which

( )7.Who can help me? —Sorry , I ___ carry the bag. A.can`t B. can C. Don`t

( )8.I`m making _______birthday card. A. Daming B. Daming`s C. Damings

( )9.Look! Lucy is _______a new bike today. A. jumping B. running C. riding

( )10. ,he can`t. A.Yes B.Ok C.Sorry

( )11.I can that. A.do B.does C.did

( )12.I`m talking the phone. A. in B.on C.at

( )13.Now this photo. A.look in B.look at C.look to

( )14.Who can help me the stairs? A.up B.on C.in

( )15.He will pick the apples. A.on B.up C.in


1.She (buy)things for your birthday.

2. I (have)a birthday party?Yes,you can.

3.I can (carry) this bag. 4. Simom!Come and (help) us.

5.They (say),“Happy Birthday,Daming!”

6.My newspaper (fly) away. 7.The balloons (fly) away.

8.He will (pick) up the apples. 9.He (stand) up.

10.Who can (help) me?


( )1.I`m going to (过生日). ( )2. Can help me?

( )3. !The oranges are falling. ( )4.Look!The balloons .

( )5.The balloons say“ ” ( )6.What !

( )7. is he doing? ( )8.Can you help me?

( )9.This box is very heavy.I carry it. ( )10.Thank you very much!

A.Sorry,I can`t B.have a birthday party C.are flying away D.Be careful

E.a mess F.Who G.Happy birthday! H.What I.You`re welcome. J.can`t


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