


期末考试,考查的是学生对整个学期知识的掌握,很多学生总会出现“复习了后面忘了前面”的尴尬状况。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学六年级英语上册期末测试卷,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



一、 听音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( )1、A. plant B. banana C. fruit

( )2. A. eleven B. busy C. green

( )3. A. playground B. postcard C. newspaper

( )4. A. magazine B. train B. taxi

( )5.A. take a trip B. the Great Wall C. comic book

( )6.A. this evening B. this morning C. this afternoon

( )7. A. pet shop B. after school C. traffic rules

( )8. A. next to B. next week C. next weekend

( )9. A. library B. hospital C. cinema

( )10. A. south B. north C. east


( )1. A. She is from Canada. B. She is going to Canada.

C. They’re going to visit a friend.

( )2. A. He goes to work by car. B. He is a TV reporter.

C. He is forty years old.

( )3. A. I go by subway. B. I go by plane.

C. I go by bike.

( )4.A .She likes collecting leaves. B. She is a singer.

C. She is cooking.

( )5. A. I’m going to watch TV.

B. I’m going to the library.

C. I’m going to buy some vegetables.


( )1. There is a post office in the city.

( )2. The post office is in front of the school.

( )3. The bookstore is on the left.

( )4. The hospital is near the school on the right.

( )5. Go straight, you can find the museum.


1. What are you going to tonight? A story book.

2. We must at a yellow light.

3. Where is the ? It’s near the cinema.

4. How do you go to Hong Kong? I go by .

5. Turn at the hospital, you can see it.


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