


基础教育一直是最受学校和家长关注的,最为基础教育重中之重的初等教育,更是得到更多的重视。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家准备了小升初英语综合测试复习题,希望能帮助大家做好小升初的复习备考,考入重点初中院校!



(  )1. A. big     B. six     C. nice     D. miss

(  )2. A. work    B. wall     C. whose    D. watch

(  )3. A. sorry    B. brother   C. some     D. does

(  )4. A. yesterday  B. family   C. day      D. Monday

(  )5. A. hear    B. pear     C. ear      D. near

(  )6. A. map     B. stamp    C. face     D. cat

(  )7. A. three    B. those    C. their     D. these

(  )8. A. food    B. foot     C. book     D. good

(  )9. A. not     B. no      C. ink      D. ant

(  )10.A. names    B. apples    C. faces     D. balls



1. shoes(单数)    __________ 2. bus(复数) __________

3. don't(完全形式)   __________ 4. me(主格)   __________

5. too(同音词)     __________ 6. he(物主代词)  __________

7. 努力工作(译成英语) __________ 8. let us(缩写形式) __________

9. short(反义词)    __________ 10. over there(汉语意思)__________


1. 二瓶果汁 ___________ 2. 到这来  ___________

3. 在树下  ___________ 4. 双胞胎兄弟 ___________

5. how much ___________ 6. thanks a lot ___________

7. look after ___________ 8. put on    ___________

9. 在天空中 ___________ 10. 穿红衣服的女孩 ___________


1. Can I have ______(a) orange? 2. She ____ _(like) to play the flute.

3. He ____ _(have) got a skipping rope. 4. Please give _____(I) a cup of tea.

5. Let's go __ ___(shop) with my mother! 6. Da Ming comes from China,he is __ ___(China).

7. How many __ ___(hour) are there in a day? 8. Lucy _ _(look) like her father.

9. "Here you are. ""__ ___(thank)." 10. She ______(watch) TV every evening.


A. Let's go to the zoo.     B. Can you spell "window"?  C. Good evening, Dad.

D. Good night. E. This is Mr Zhang. F. Look at the new car. G. Come and sit here.

H. It's my favourite colour.

(  )1. 傍晚见到父亲说:___________ (  )2. 你想说这是我最喜欢的颜色:________

(  )3. 你想叫人拼写窗户这个单词,可以说:________ (  )4. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:________

(  )5. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色法拉利小轿车,可以说:_______

(  )6. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:________ (  )7. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:________

(  )8. 你向Helen介绍一下张老师,应该说:______


(  )1. What's this in English? _____ a jeep. A. This is B. That's  C. It's D. it is

(  )2. Where's the bag? A. It's in the car.  B. They are here. C. There are.  D. Here are.

(  )3. What's that man? A. He's my brother. B. Yes,he is. C. She's a teacher. D. He's a teacher.

(  )4. It's _____ my new car. A. / B. a  C. is D. isn't

(  ) 5. ____ a cat. A. This B. This's C. This is D. That

(  )6. Look ____ the nice car. A. to B. and C. at  D. in

(  )7. It's nine o'clock. I must ______. A. go home B. go to home C. to go home D. go the home

( ) 8. _____ you see the blackboard? A. Do  B. Are C. Is D. Can

(  )9. Please give ____ a cup of tea. A. she B. he C. I  D. him

(  ) 10. It's time ____ play games. A. in B. on C. for D. to

(  )11. The man _______ the photo is my father. A. in B. on the C. in the D. under

(  )12. _____ name is Mike. A. I B. My  C. Me D. mine

(  )13. Who is the _____? He is my uncle. A. boy B. man C. woman D. girl

(  )14. _____ you like this jacket? A. Are B. Do C. Can D. What

(  )15. ______ is my umbrella? It's over there. A. Where B. What C. Whose D. how

(  )16. What's that ____ English? A. for B. in  C. on  D. under

(  )17. Look! The cat is _______. A. walk B. run C. ran D. running

(  ) 18. Whose gloves are they? ____ my _____.

A. It's,mother's B. They're,mother's C. They're,mother D. It's,mother

(  ) 19. The boys are from Tokyo. They are ______.A. China B. English C. Japanese D. Chinese

(  ) 20. There are _____ on the table.

A. two bottles of milk  B. two bottles milk C. two bottles of milks D. two bottle of milk

(  )21. "Can I help you?""I'd like ______ bags of rice. " A. some B. a C. little D. one

(  )22. "What would you like?""I'd like ____ to eat." A. something B. apple C. meat D. some orange

( )23. Look! Some meat ____ in the box. Some apples _____ in the basket.

A. are,are B. is,is C. are,is D. is,are

(  )24. I would like _____.A. some banana B. eat some bananas C. some bananas eat D. some bananas

(  )25. Please give me two bottles of ______ A. milk B. waters C. milks D. oranges

(  )26. Well,would you like _____ to drink? A. some thing B. anything C. some things D. something

(  )27. ____ would you like _____ breakfast? A. What,with B. What,for C. What,at D. How,for

(  )28. I want some A. meats B. waters C. cakes D. bread

(  )29. What about _____? A. something to eat B. to eat something C. something eat D. eat something

(  )30. "Do you want _____ orange?""No,I'd like _____ bottle of orange."

A. a,an B. an,an C. the,an  D. an,a



(  )1. Don't be late again.        A. A new watch.

(  )2. May I have a cup of tea?      B. Me,too.

(  )3. I like the red fan.         C. I see.

(  )4. What's that on the desk?      D. Sure.

(  )5. Where's Dad?           E. Perhaps he's in the study.

(  )6. Shall we go to the zoo by bike?   F. It's Bob's,I think.

(  )7. Whose kite is this?        G. Good idea.

(  )8. Can I have a look at your dress?  H. Yes. Here you are.


(  )1. Could you help me, please?    A. OK.

(  )2. Thanks a lot.            B. You're welcome.

(  )3. Let's put the books in the box.   C. It's Monday.

(  )4. Can you carry it?          D. No,it's full.

(  )5. Who's on duty today?         E. lam.

(  )6. Is it empty?             F. No,it's light.

(  )7. What day is it today?        G. Certainly.

(  )8. Is that bag heavy?          H. No. Li Lei isn't here.

(  )9. Are we all here today?         I. No,thanks.

(  )10. Let me help you.          J. Yes,I can.


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